• Iraq Social Forum

International Solidarity Committee for Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) meets on Wedn at 15 GMT

de la part de "Martina Pignatti M." on 18/06/2013 08:11
Dear all,

I confirm that the International Solidarity Committee for the Iraqi 
Social Forum (ISF) will have the next Skype chat on Wednesday, June 19, 
at 15:00 GMT (that is 17:00 in Italy, 18:00 in Iraq).
Before our meeting please check the attached proposal for the 
international call that Feroz and Alessandra have drafted, with small 
amedments from me. If you want to propose other changes please do on 
Wednesday in the chat, or by email if you cannot participate. As we 
decided in our previous call, we are the ones who should work on 
international mobilization for this forum, as soon as we receive some 
more details from the Iraqi committee. Many thanks to Ayat for sending 
us the minutes of their last meeting in Baghdad, we are eager to see the 
logo! We feel sorry that the university in the end is not available, the 
academia didn't show enough courage, or independency from institutions.

Proposed agenda for our chat on Wednesday:
- organizing international mobilization for the ISF
- organizing the program of ISF and the thematic axes, suggestions by 
internationals to the Iraqi committee

I remind you that minutes of our last chats can be read here, thanks to 
Terry and Pierre:

In Solidarity,

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