• Iraq Social Forum

Re: Re: Re: Minutes of our chat today, and statement against violence

de parte de hitchman@... on 2013-07-04 15:35
Hello all, and particularly Mireille. I have touched up the English a bit. Is it ok like this, Mireille?
As International Solidarity Committee, we strongly condemn all the current acts of violence, just as we have always condemned imperial wars imposed on civilians who have always paid a high priceieverywhere in the world. We particularly condemn those heinous acts that have targeted children and youth practicing sport and other peaceful activities.



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Message du : 04/07/2013 17:18
De : "mireille fanon-mendès france " <mfanonmendesfrance@...>
A : iraq-social-forum-english@...
Copie à : 
Sujet : Re: [Iraq Social Forum] Re: Minutes of our chat today, and statement   against violence

 Good afternoon, dear All

I have 3 remarks 
-2 in 2§
-1 in 3§

One of the key aims of the ISF (Iraqi Social Forum) is to build peace

 I think we need at least to define what kind of peace the Iraki people expect...That the reason I propose to add "Peace and justice"and overcome all forms of violence in Iraq. The very fact that the ISF is still scheduled to take place in the face of the current wave of bombings is in itself not only a challenge, but a way of defying this violence and proving that peace and security  in an another Iraq are possible.

 As International Solidarity Committee, we strongly condemn all the current acts of violence, as we condemned everywhere in the world the imperial war imposed to the civilians who use to pay an high price , and particularly those heinous acts that have targeted children and youth practicing sport and other peaceful activities.

Thank you for your attention

in solidarity

2013/7/4 Martina Pignatti M. <martina.pignatti@...>
                    Thanks Judith, I forgot to add it in       the minutes!
       Next Skype meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 17th of         July 2013, at the usual time (3pm GMT).
       Thanks also for the following text, that I ask everyone to check       and eventually amend within tomorrow night, 4th of July. It is         a solidarity message that we agreed to write today. When we         finalize it, it can circulate in our lists and be disseminated         in Iraq (we'll need to make an Arabic translation).
       I suggest that we add to this statement signatures of the       International Committee for the ISF only, and we spread it asap,       since it's a very simple message. What do others think?
       If you agree with the text please confirm if we can add your       endorsement! I can collect signature, but I need:
              The International Solidarity         Committee         of the World Social Forum is supporting the preparation of the         first         Iraqi Social Forum, scheduled to take place in Baghdad on 26-28         September 2013. 
       One of the key aims of the ISF         (Iraqi         Social Forum) is to build peace and overcome all forms of         violence in         Iraq. The very fact that the ISF is still scheduled to take         place in         the face of the current wave of bombings is in itself not only a         challenge, but a way of defying this violence and proving that         peace         and another Iraq are possible.
       As International Solidarity         Committee,         we strongly condemn all the current acts of violence, and         particularly those heinous acts that have targeted children and         youth         practicing sport and other peaceful activities. 

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Mireille Fanon-Mendes-France+ 33 686783920

Experte du groupe de travail sur les Afro Descendants au Conseil des Droits de l'Homme de l'ONU

président d'Honneur: Aimé Césaire




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