• Iraq Social Forum


de la part de "Martina Pignatti M." on 09/07/2013 13:58
Dear Pierre,
as ICSSI staff we discussed the issue today. Taif told us that the new 
volunteers are still trying to understand what is the Iraqi Social 
Forum, it's a bit premature to throw them in a specific training 
programme on the Extended social forum. Most important, as far as we 
know _the ISF committee has not appointed yet a person in charge of the 
extension team_, since their last meeting was attended by few people 
(it's Ramadan, it's hot and situation is tense in Baghdad). Let's wait 
for more info from Ali and Waled on this. As ICSSI team we feel that 
unless the ISF appoints this person we cannot start doing the training 

I will follow up this afternoon on other pending issues.


Il 09/07/13 14:34, Pierre George ha scritto:
> Hello Ismaeel  Ali  Waleed  Ibrahem  Taif
> Could you give answer to two questions
> -Who  from ISF commettee  will be in charge o fthe extension team  ( 
> this may have been examined in the ISF meeting of July 4th))
> -When is the first  extension team build up meeting scheduled
>  i have proposedJULY 10TH  AND 17TH and had a further exchange with  
> Taif  and told her i was flexible about the hours because there is  
> Ramadan   I Have not received futher information
> kind regards
> Pierre
> 2013/7/4 Pierre <pierregrg@... <mailto:pierregrg@...>>
>     Hello
>     Meeting 4 minutes are here :
>     http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/isc-meeting4
>     Also The page for build up of ISFextended program is now in colour
>     here
>     http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/isfextension-program-buildup
>     it gives an overview with fake activities and orgnaizations on
>     what ISF program could look like
>     it is now ISF extension team task to collect  in baghdad activity
>     intentions for categories 1 ( activity in baghdad with enlargement
>     /openness option), and 3 (teleencounter activity with a group out
>     of baghdad) and replace the dry "actvity 1" "activity 2" in column
>     C  by real workshop names and real iraqi organisations in column H
>      my message of this morning on the list to Ali taif Waleed about
>     the name of extension team respnsible person and on if the date of
>     10th of july 14h-17h baghdad is ok for a extension team build up
>     session
>     http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/lists/iraq-social-forum-english/archive/2013/07/1372924833626/forum_view
>     :-)
>     Pierre
>     --
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