• Iraq Social Forum

Re: Chat of International Committee for ISF tomorrow, Wednesday 17th of July

de la part de Gershom Kabaso on 17/07/2013 07:28
 Dear Martina and Others,

 Glad to call for today's Skype meeting unfortunately I will not going
to make it because am in south Africa for a regional CSOs meeting
regarding forthcoming Zimbabwe general elections scheduled this
monthend. Our  meeting today will start at 10:00hrs and ending around
18:00hrs then thereafter proceed to airport for an evening flight to

 However, I will follow the proceedings of the meeting through
minutes. Furthermore, we are in support what ever you are going to
deliberate on as soon as it is on good course .

  Power to solidarity.


On 17/07/2013, Martina Pignatti M. <martina.pignatti@...> wrote:
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Gershom Kabaso,r.,
National Coordinator ,
Zambia Social Forum
 PO BOX CA 131 Castle Lusaka
 Cell Phone: +260 977 46 72 86
                     +260 950 72 11 22

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