• Iraq Social Forum

TIME CHANGE TODAY, Chat of International Committee for ISF tomorrow

de parte de "Martina Pignatti M." on 2013-07-17 10:24
Dear all,
sorry for the short notice, but our Iraqi friends due to Ramadan asked 
us to anticipate the chat. We will start 30 minutes earlier, hence *we 
meet online at 14:30 GMT (that is 16:30 in Italy, 17:30 in Iraq). *
The chat will be WRITTEN so those who join us later can read the update 
coming from the iraqis, which is the initial point in the agenda.

Il 17/07/13 00:35, Martina Pignatti M. ha scritto:
> Dear all,
> I confirm that the International Solidarity Committee for the Iraqi 
> Social Forum (ISF) will have the next Skype chat tomorrow, Wednesday 
> July 17th, at 15:00 GMT (that is 17:00 in Italy, 18:00 in Iraq).
> Minutes of our last chats can be read here:
> http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/isc-meeting4
> Draft agenda:
> - updates from the Iraqi committee
> - launch of the international call for participation
> - logistics, security and visa for internationals at the ISF
> - interpreters training
> - Extended ISF training
> In Solidarity,
> Martina
> www.unponteper.it
> www.iraqicivilsociety.org
> -- 
> Archive: 
> http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/lists/iraq-social-forum-english/archive/2013/07/1374014685818
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> iraq-social-forum-english@....  Please contact 
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