• Iraq Social Forum

LAST VERSION INTERNATIONAL CALL, to be disseminated tomorrow

de la part de "Martina Pignatti M." on 21/07/2013 15:51
Dear all,

things in Baghdad are not going well, at all. Yesterday other 11 car 
bomb produced tens of victims

But this is not a reason to step back, it rather pushses us to increase 
solidarity efforts with our Iraqi comrades and friends. In early 
September, according to the situation on the ground, we'll need to make 
a very careful evaluation before we "approve" the participation of an 
international delegation at the ISF, but Iraqis should be aware that it 
will not be a big delegation. The Extended Iraqi Social Forum, allowing 
remote participation, is now even more important, so I really thank the 
Extension Team who is working for it, and the Interpreters Team that 
will allow international exchange. Interpreters will be very important 
also for the internet connections of the extended forum!

*We now have a final version of the international call here:**
**English-speakers, please check the language once again! *All of you, 
read it one more time and check the two registration forms (for Baghdad 
and for the Extended Forum). Deadline for registration of those going to 
Baghdad has been set at August 5, since we are late again. *We'd like to 
spread the call tomorrow, but please wait for my approval before doing 
it. **Be ready to translate this call to Arabic, French, Italian and 
your other languages, and send me the translation as soon as you've done 
I've moved the registration form of the Extended Forum from googleforms 
to the ICSSI website, simplifying the version that Pierre had proposed. 
We need to wait for Pierre to approve the new form 
I really hope it will be ok.

All the Best

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