• Iraq Social Forum


de la part de hitchman@... on 01/08/2013 10:48
Hello Tyler

When you say your organisation is supporting the Iraqi Social Forum, could I ask if this is financial support? Because the training for Iraqi interpreters is due to start in 3 or 4 weeks, and we haven't secured funding for that yet. We are still waiting to hear from Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. It is an important part of capacity building. For the forum. Obviously if you are already funding other parts of the forum this might be too much, and please all forgive me if I am overstepping my. Own brief here, but I am concerned that we haven't managed to get any answers from anyone yet!

In solidarity

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-----Original Message-----
From: "Tyler D. Hauger" <tyler@...>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 11:35:48 
To: <iraq-social-forum-english@...>
Reply-To: iraq-social-forum-english@...
Cc: Martina Pignatti M.<martina.pignatti@...>

Dear friends and colleagues,

My sincere apologies for my lack of correspondence this July, and thank 
you for all your hard work related to the call for participants and the 
statement on the violence in Iraq these past few weeks.

My name is Tyler Dale Hauger, and I am the information and project 
manager for the Karibu Foundation in Oslo, Norway.   Karibu is 
independent foundation that supports alternative voices from the Global 
South -- understood to be organizations and networks -- that provide 
alternatives to the dominant paradigms of power, distribution, and 
development.  We have been a long time partner of the Iraqi Civil 
Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI), and now the ISF.

I have now posted the call for international participants to our social 
media platforms, as well as our website: 
http://www.karibu.no/viewstories.asp?id=210.   I will be also sure to 
distribute the email widely here in Norway.

We will be very happy to continue to support and follow the ISF through 
participation in the International Solidarity Group, and again my 
apologies for my lack of communication and participation this month.  
Looking forward to future collaboration!

In solidarity for a just and peaceful Iraq,

Tyler Dale Hauger
Information and Project Manager
The Karibu Foundation
Phone: +47 4789 6142
tyler@... <mailto:tyler@...> | www.karibu.no 
<http://www.karibu.no> | Voices from the South 
Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/TheKaribuFoundation> Twitter 

On 22.07.2013 14:20, Martina Pignatti M. wrote:
> Dear all,
> the international call for participants has been finalized! Thanks to 
> Judith for language revision, and thanks to Pierre for suggesting 
> amendments to the extended forum participation form. *You can start 
> spreading the following text (and eventually the attached pdf) to your 
> organizations and all mailinglists of social movements that could have 
> an interest in the ISF.* Please also consider the option of inviting 
> key people that may want to go to Baghdad (for example Naomi Klein? 
> who can contact her?), even if we don't have a solidarity fund to 
> cover international flights. *Clarify in your messages that going to 
> Baghdad implies a risk, but those who want to try need to register as 
> soon as possible (in any case within August 5), since getting the visa 
> is not an easy process.*
> Finally, we need language translations of this call. As soon as you've 
> done one, please send it to this mailinglist! Thanks a lot!
> Martina
> PS: Text to be disseminated follows...
> ****
> **
> DF-12777.jpg 
> <http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/logo-ISF.jpg>
> *Another Iraq is Possible!*
> *With Peace, Human Rights and Social Justice!*
> Dear Friends
> We invite you to attend and seek your support for the first Iraqi 
> Social Forum [ISF] to be held on *September 26-28, 2013 in Baghdad, 
> Iraq *.
> *Active international solidarity is the need of this hour!*
> The Iraqi Social Forum is an extraordinary event that opposes decades 
> of immense violence and destruction. It proposes a time and a space 
> managed by civil society and social movements to build another Iraq 
> based on peace, respect for human rights and social justice, in 
> partnership with all those who adhere to the principles and charter of 
> the WSF, adopted in Porto Alegre in 2001.
> The loss of the lives of over one million people, the destruction of 
> infrastructure, fatal and debilitating effects of depleted uranium and 
> chemical weaponry used by the occupation forces cannot be forgotten, 
> neither by the Iraqi people nor by the international movements who 
> have been mobilizing against the war and the occupation.
> The withdrawal of the US and occupation troops has opened the way to 
> complete the struggle of Iraqi people for democracy and social 
> justice, but the current Iraqi leadership has been built on sectarian 
> lines, and does not guarantee the rights and safety of its citizens. 
> Hundreds of thousands have protested in the streets of Iraqi cities 
> since 2011 against corruption, for social services, for freedom of 
> expression, and for an independent judiciary system. More than 2600 
> Iraqis have been killed since April 2013 in terrorist attacks, most of 
> them in Baghdad. Still Iraqi civil society acts for change.
> *Now it is the time to all work together to build a way for hope to 
> emerge, and to contribute to the desires of the Iraqi people for a 
> civil, democratic society and State, based on respect for different 
> cultures.* The country is experiencing a political, economic and 
> social crisis: this is the time to build partnerships, foster dialogue 
> and cooperation, to find solutions to outstanding problems. Now is the 
> time to end violence and terrorism for which the people of Iraq have 
> paid, and continue to pay, a heavy price. These are the challenges of 
> the Iraqi Social Forum, we believe that these are our shared challenges!**
> *The WSF process is now well anchored in the region. *Since 2008 we 
> have witnessed successful regional social fora in the Maghreb/Mashreq, 
> a World Education Forum in Palestine and the World Social Forum in 
> Tunis earlier this year. These collective experiences provide a 
> fertile ground for the Iraqi civil society to build the first Iraqi 
> Social Forum as an open space for exchange of experiences and ideas, 
> and to build a movement against neo-liberalism, for social change.
> *Iraqi civil society organizations will raise the following issues 
> within the ISF:* building a civic and democratic country; challenges 
> faced by minorities; equitable distribution of wealth and social 
> justice; trade unions, and peasant associations; rights of women, 
> youth, children; economic, social, and cultural issues; nonviolence as 
> a way of social, cultural, and economic change in Iraq; international 
> solidarity campaigns with the Iraqi civil society. Sports Against 
> Violence and Artistic activities will be associated to the forum.
> *The world witnessed huge demonstrations, unparalleled in the history, 
> against the US invasion of Iraq. This international solidarity is now 
> once again being convened in support of the Iraqi Social Forum.* 
> International participation in the Baghad ISF forum event will be 
> limited in numbers for security reasons, but the ISF preparatory 
> committee is looking for a venue in Baghdad safe enough for some 
> internationals to attend. We strongly encourage your remote 
> participation from your own country, via the "Extended Iraqi Social 
> Forum".
> Please consider the following ways of joining us:
> *1) Be with us in Baghdad. Be aware that this entails a certain degree 
> of risk,*
> and that we will confirm international participation only in early 
> September depending on the situation. Meanwhile, *you need to register 
> before the 5th of August* in order to receive a letter of invitation 
> and apply for the visa at the Iraqi Embassy in your country.
> You will be contacted individually after submitting the application 
> form here: 
> http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/registration-form-iraqi-social-forum-2013
> *2) Extended ISF. Organize a solidarity event in your own country, *
> before or during the ISF, or a live exchange via Internet with a group 
> in Baghdad , or a tele-participation in an activity held in Baghdad . 
> A group of Iraqi volunteers is being trained to help connect with 
> counterparts who want to exchange via Internet. Define with the local 
> organizers which ISF activities will be enlarged for Internet 
> participation, and build the corresponding connections.**
> You can learn more about the Extended forum and announce each of your 
> extended collective participations in the ISF in a form accessible 
> here:**http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/extended-iraqi-social-forum-registration-form 
> *Let us know if you are willing to participate!*
> *The Iraqi Social Forum Organizing Committee *
> *The International Solidarity Committee for the Iraqi Social Forum
> *
> /Link to read this document online, and check updates in the coming 
> weeks://
> //http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/iraqi-social-forum/iraqi-social-forum-an-international-call-for-participants//
> //To receive support for international participation contact: 
> icssi.project@.../*
> *
> ******
> *Member organizations of the Iraqi committee:
> *
> 	*Organization* 	*City*
> 1
> 	Women for Peace 	Baghdad
> 2
> 	Tammuz Organization for Social Development 	Baghdad
> 3
> 	Laonf Group 	Basra
> 4
> 	AL Mesalla Organization for Human Resources Development 	Erbil
> 5
> 	Kurdistan Youth Empowerment Organization 	Erbil
> 6
> 	Information Center for research and development 	Baghdad
> 7
> 	Iraqi council for peace and solidarity (ICPS) 	Baghdad
> 8
> 	Al Amal Association 	Baghdad
> 9
> 	General Federation of Iraqi Workers 	Baghdad
> 10
> 	Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions 	Basra
> 11
> 	Press Freedom Advocacy Association In Iraq 	Baghdad
> 12
> 	Madarik for Studying Mechanisms of Conceptual Promotion 	Baghdad
> 13
> 	Yazidi Solidarity and Fraternity League 	Ninawa
> 14
> 	Engineering Professions Union 	Baghdad
> 15
> 	Iraqi Democratic Future Network 	Baghdad
> 16
> 	Ofok Organization 	Baghdad
> *Members of the international committee:*
> *Name*
> *Organization*
> *Country*
> Ismaeel Dawood 	Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative 	international
> Martina Pignatti Morano 	Un ponte per... 	Italy
> Judith Hitchman and Sergio Cordeiro 	Support to "Iraqi Social Forum 
> interpreters' team" 	international
> Sabiha Ben Ammar 	Confédération Générale Tunisienne du Travail 
> (CGTT) 	Tunisia
> Feroz Mehdi 	Alternatives International 	international
> Mireille Fanon-Mendes 	Frantz Fanon Foundation 	international
> Elena Laurenti and Nicola Visconti 	A.D. Sport Against Violence 	Italy
> Pierre George 	Support to "Extended Iraqi Social Forum team" 	France
> Mboirick Mohamed 	Gathering of Young Mauritania for Development 
> Mauritania
> Olfa Mohamed 	Tunisian League of Women Voters 	Tunisia
> Ahmad Jaradat 	Alternative Information Center 	Palestine/Israel
> Gershom Kabaso 	Zambia Social Forum 	Zambia
> Terry Kay Rockefeller 	September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows 	USA
> Felipe Daza 	NOVACT 	Spain
> Raffaella Bolini 	ARCI 	Italy
> Hamouda Soubhi 	Alternatives Forum in Morocco (FMAS) 	Morocco
> Muhanna Al-Shamary 	Friendship and Peace International Organization 
> Denmark/Iraq
> Alessandra Mecozzi 	Italian Network for the World Social Forum 	Italy
> Gustave Massiah 	Initiatives Pour un Autre Monde (IPAM) 	France
> --
> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[...]/1374496214605 
> <http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/lists/iraq-social-forum-english/archive/2013/07/1374496214605>
> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 
> iraq-social-forum-english@... 
> <mailto:iraq-social-forum-english@...>. Please contact 
> iraq-social-forum-english-manager@... 
> <mailto:iraq-social-forum-english-manager@...> for 
> questions.

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