• Iraq Social Forum

Re: deadline for registration to ISF to the 15th of August

de parte de alessandra mecozzi on 2013-08-10 16:15
Dear Ismaeel and all,
unfortunately I will not be able to attend the Iraqi Social Forum (no
"security" reasons, just...economic reasons!). I hope I will be able to
organise something for the extended Forum in Rome. In particular it would
be fine if we could have a contact with our friends of the Union, Jummaa,
and other workers and unionists. Is he attending the ISF? I hope so, and I
will talk about this possibility also with Martina, Stefano and Sergio. We
had very good meetings with him and other comrades in Italy few years ago
and I feel that there is a true friendship and common understandings. So,
let's hope to do something good in and for the ISF to which all of us wish
much success! In solidarity

2013/8/5 Ismaeel Dawood <ismaeel.dawood@...>

> Dear all ;****
> Today we have expanded the deadline for registration to the iraqi social
> forum to the *15th of August*  .****
> Till this moment 19 persons have registered to participate in the forum :
> 5 form Italy , 5 from Tunis , and one form  (Palestine , India , Pakistan ,
> Bangladesh, Zambia , Nigeria , Belgium , France , Croatia) We have a very
> good number form the “global south and Italy ”  What about other  members
> of the International  solidarity committee ? and what about the
> International committee of the WSF (the IC) anyone know if they got our
> call and if they want to participate in the ISF ?****
> ** **
> Should we discuss the registration progress in the coming meeting ?  we
> will start visa procedures soon !****
> ** **
> The link to call is here :
> http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/iraqi-social-forum/iraqi-social-forum-an-international-call-for-participants
> ****
> ** **
> ** **
> In solidarity ,Ismael ****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *Ismael Dawood *
> *Policy Officer *
> *.............................................................*
> *Un Ponte Per...*
> *Pisa , Italy *
> *Mobile : +39 3772748668  *
> *Skype : Ismaeeld2*
> *http://icssi08.ning.com/ *
> *http://www.unponteper.it/*****
> ** **
> --
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