• Iraq Social Forum

  • EXTENDED IRAQI SOCIAL FORUM, final instructions from Baghdad

    from martinapm on Sep 25, 2013 04:25 PM
    Dear all,
    the Extension Team is now in Baghdad! We had a meeting this afternoon 
    with the Iraqi members who are in charge of the streaming, and we dealt 
    with a last-minute problem: the National Theatre cancelled the 
    reservation of the ISF (reasons to be clarified, surely there's a 
    political issue involved too) so we will do the opening event at the 
    University just after Sports Against Violence.
    Hence, *the opening ceremony will take place tomorrow, 26th of 
    September, from Baghdad University Campus, at 12:00 Baghdad Time.**A 
    live stream of the whole day will be available online (at 
    www.iraqsf.org). *If internet connection at the campus is good enough, 
    we will have two streaming channels, one in English and one in Arabic, 
    otherwise you will only hear the audio on the stage (mainly Arabic, with 
    speeches of internationals in English).
    *Concerning workshops on 27 and 28 September, we should be able to have 
    5 streaming channels at the same time. For some events there will be two 
    streams: one in Arabic and one in English.*
     From abroad you can also participate in the workshops via Google 
    Hangout, so you can text chat below the streaming window! To do this, 
    please follow these simple steps:
    - Download Google Hangout (Google Plus). You will need a Gmail account.
    - A link will be online at www.iraqsf.org to access the hangouts, an 
    hour before each workshop. Click on this link and you will be in the 
    Google Hangout text chat of the ISF livestream, for the workshop you've 
    - You can then chat and leave live comments with regars to the Forum.
    *The following workshops will be livestreamed, if internet doesn't 
    betray us :-)**
    **Numbers refer to this program:**
    *2streams : Arabic & English audio.
    *stream : Arabic audio only.
    27th September
    1st period
    1. A1 ... 2streams
    9. A4 ... 2streams
    5. A8 .. stream
    2nd period
    1. A1 ..2streams
    4. A4 ..2streams
    8. A3 .. stream
    3rd period
    9. A10 .. 2streams
    4. A6 .. 2streams
    1.. A8 .. stream
    28th September
    1st period
    1. A1 .. 2streams
    4. A4 .. 2streams
    6. A6 .. stream
    2nd period
    5. A9 .. 2streams
    6. A6 .. 2streams
    7. A7 .. stream
    3rd period
    4. A4 .. 2streams
    7. A10 .. 2streams
    6. A1 .. stream
    Closing cerimony 2 streams
    *In addition, you can contact the Skype address isf.extensionteam to 
    chat with some iraqi activists while you are organizing activities 
    abroad, if you signal it in advance writing to ISF Extension Team 
    <isf.extensionteam@...>.* Till now about 10 skype appointments 
    have been confirmed during the forum.
    All the Best, live from Baghdad!
    The ISF Extension Team
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: [Extended participants ISF] EXTENDED IRAQI SOCIAL FORUM, final instructions from Baghdad

    from OlfaMed on Sep 26, 2013 07:45 AM
    Hey all,                                      have a Nice ISF :)
    Le 25 sept. 2013 17:14, "Martina Pignatti M." <
    martina.pignatti@...> a écrit :
    >  Dear all,
    > the Extension Team is now in Baghdad! We had a meeting this afternoon with
    > the Iraqi members who are in charge of the streaming, and we dealt with a
    > last-minute problem: the National Theatre cancelled the reservation of the
    > ISF (reasons to be clarified, surely there's a political issue involved
    > too) so we will do the opening event at the University just after Sports
    > Against Violence.
    > Hence, *the opening ceremony will take place tomorrow, 26th of September,
    > from Baghdad University Campus, at 12:00 Baghdad Time.** A live stream of
    > the whole day will be available online (at www.iraqsf.org). *If internet
    > connection at the campus is good enough, we will have two streaming
    > channels, one in English and one in Arabic, otherwise you will only hear
    > the audio on the stage (mainly Arabic, with speeches of internationals in
    > English).
    > *Concerning workshops on 27 and 28 September, we should be able to have 5
    > streaming channels at the same time. For some events there will be two
    > streams: one in Arabic and one in English.*
    > From abroad you can also participate in the workshops via Google Hangout,
    > so you can text chat below the streaming window! To do this, please follow
    > these simple steps:
    > - Download Google Hangout (Google Plus). You will need a Gmail account.
    > - A link will be online at www.iraqsf.org to access the hangouts, an hour
    > before each workshop. Click on this link and you will be in the Google
    > Hangout text chat of the ISF livestream, for the workshop you've selected.
    > - You can then chat and leave live comments with regars to the Forum.
    > *The following workshops will be livestreamed, if internet doesn't betray
    > us :-)**
    > **Numbers refer to this program:**
    > **
    > http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/SENT-TO-PRINTING-FINAL-ISF-program-En-and-Ar.pdf
    > *
    >  *2streams : Arabic & English audio.
    > *stream : Arabic audio only.
    >  27th September
    >  1st period
    > 1. A1 ... 2streams
    > 9. A4 ... 2streams
    > 5. A8 .. stream
    > __
    > 2nd period
    > 1. A1 ..2streams
    > 4. A4 ..2streams
    > 8. A3 .. stream
    > ____
    > 3rd period
    > 9. A10 .. 2streams
    > 4. A6 .. 2streams
    > 1.. A8 .. stream
    > _________________________
    > 28th September
    >  1st period
    > 1. A1 .. 2streams
    > 4. A4 .. 2streams
    > 6. A6 .. stream
    > __
    > 2nd period
    > 5. A9 .. 2streams
    >  6. A6 .. 2streams
    > 7. A7 .. stream
    > __
    > 3rd period
    > 4. A4 .. 2streams
    > 7. A10 .. 2streams
    > 6. A1 .. stream
    > ___
    > Closing cerimony 2 streams
    > *In addition, you can contact the Skype address isf.extensionteam to chat
    > with some iraqi activists while you are organizing activities abroad, if
    > you signal it in advance writing to ISF Extension Team
    > <isf.extensionteam@...> <isf.extensionteam@...>.* Till now
    > about 10 skype appointments have been confirmed during the forum.
    >  All the Best, live from Baghdad!
    > The ISF Extension Team
    > --
    > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1380126339487<http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/lists/extended-participants-isf/archive/2013/09/1380126339487>
    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > extended-participants-isf@.... Please contact
    > extended-participants-isf-manager@... for questions.
  • R: EXTENDED IRAQI SOCIAL FORUM, final instructions from Baghdad

    from "Nicola" on Sep 26, 2013 07:40 AM
    Dear All,
    I cannot hide my disappoint for the events of the last period: until 15 days ago every things appeared goes in right direction, 26 was programmed SAV at University with open ceremony of ISF at the end, after that you said all and the contrary of all: the University wasn’t informed, they didn’t have time for organizing Sport Activities, they didn’t want opening ceremony inside University and so you decided to take out space to SAV and to bring the ceremony to National Theatre and when in the last chat I asked to bring again it to University this was impossible: but how is it possible that now University accept to do this inside if only a few days before they refused?
    Any way our group has decided of not coming in Baghdad because SAV appeared short and light, now we don’t like to  be not there !
    I hope more attention in Sport Activities for the future and I want remember that this is the fourth race that we are organizing: this is the testimony of the continuity of our project, moreover I hope that our referent in Baghdad, Ahmed, will has space in the Plenary Session for reading our communicate!
    Have a nice SAV and ISF, All the Best
    Da: Martina Pignatti M. [mailto:martina.pignatti@...] 
    Inviato: mercoledì 25 settembre 2013 18:12
    A: iraq-social-forum-english@...; extended-participants-isf@...
    Oggetto: [Iraq Social Forum] EXTENDED IRAQI SOCIAL FORUM, final instructions from Baghdad
    Dear all,
    the Extension Team is now in Baghdad! We had a meeting this afternoon with the Iraqi members who are in charge of the streaming, and we dealt with a last-minute problem: the National Theatre cancelled the reservation of the ISF (reasons to be clarified, surely there's a political issue involved too) so we will do the opening event at the University just after Sports Against Violence.
    Hence, the opening ceremony will take place tomorrow, 26th of September, from Baghdad University Campus, at 12:00 Baghdad Time. A live stream of the whole day will be available online (at www.iraqsf.org). If internet connection at the campus is good enough, we will have two streaming channels, one in English and one in Arabic, otherwise you will only hear the audio on the stage (mainly Arabic, with speeches of internationals in English).
    Concerning workshops on 27 and 28 September, we should be able to have 5 streaming channels at the same time. For some events there will be two streams: one in Arabic and one in English.
    >From abroad you can also participate in the workshops via Google Hangout, so you can text chat below the streaming window! To do this, please follow these simple steps:
    - Download Google Hangout (Google Plus). You will need a Gmail account.
    - A link will be online at www.iraqsf.org to access the hangouts, an hour before each workshop. Click on this link and you will be in the Google Hangout text chat of the ISF livestream, for the workshop you've selected.
    - You can then chat and leave live comments with regars to the Forum.
    The following workshops will be livestreamed, if internet doesn't betray us :-)
    Numbers refer to this program:
    *2streams : Arabic & English audio.
    *stream : Arabic audio only.
    27th September
    1st period
    1. A1 ... 2streams
    9. A4 ... 2streams
    5. A8 .. stream
    2nd period
    1. A1 ..2streams
    4. A4 ..2streams
    8. A3 .. stream
    3rd period
    9. A10 .. 2streams
    4. A6 .. 2streams
    1.. A8 .. stream
    28th September
    1st period
    1. A1 .. 2streams
    4. A4 .. 2streams
    6. A6 .. stream
    2nd period
    5. A9 .. 2streams
    6. A6 .. 2streams
    7. A7 .. stream
    3rd period
    4. A4 .. 2streams
    7. A10 .. 2streams
    6. A1 .. stream
    Closing cerimony 2 streams
    In addition, you can contact the Skype address isf.extensionteam to chat with some iraqi activists while you are organizing activities abroad, if you signal it in advance writing to ISF Extension Team  <mailto:isf.extensionteam@...> <isf.extensionteam@...>. Till now about 10 skype appointments have been confirmed during the forum.
    All the Best, live from Baghdad!
    The ISF Extension Team
    Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1380126340695 <http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/lists/iraq-social-forum-english/archive/2013/09/1380126340695> 
    To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to iraq-social-forum-english@.... Please contact iraq-social-forum-english-manager@... for questions.