• Iraq Social Forum

Re: ISF program

de la part de "Abdulkarem A. Al-Saiedie" on 26/09/2013 21:20
Hello Nicola and All..
I'm Abdulkarem a chief of the streaming ISF event(s) staff through YouTube.
As far I know, every thing was okay, the sport without violence will be in
Baghdad University and the opening ceremony of ISF will be in National
Theater in Baghdad, but we shocked the National Theater refuses to do the
ISF opening ceremony only before one day before the scheduled ISF.
And I don't know anything else, but i should clarify some things that's not
of our hands that had happen :( .

(Forgive my poor English :) )

Best ...
Abdulkarem A. Abbas / Chief of the streaming ISF event(s) staff.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 11:24 AM, Nicola <info@...> wrote:

> ** **
> ** **
> Dear All,****
> ** **
> I cannot hide my disappoint for the events of the last period: until 15
> days ago every things appeared goes in right direction, 26 was programmed
> SAV at University with open ceremony of ISF at the end, after that you said
> all and the contrary of all: the University wasn’t informed, they didn’t
> have time for organizing Sport Activities, they didn’t want opening
> ceremony inside University and so you decided to take out space to SAV and
> to bring the ceremony to National Theatre and when in the last chat I asked
> to bring again it to University this was impossible: but how is it possible
> that now University accept to do this inside if only a few days before they
> refused?****
> Any way our group has decided of not coming in Baghdad because SAV
> appeared short and light, now we don’t like to  be not there !****
> ** **
> I hope more attention in Sport Activities for the future and I want
> remember that this is the fourth race that we are organizing: this is the
> testimony of the continuity of our project, moreover I hope that our
> referent in Baghdad, Ahmed, will has space in the Plenary Session for
> reading our communicate!****
> ** **
> Have a nice SAV and ISF, All the Best****
> Nicola****
> ** **
> --
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