• Iraq Social Forum

RE: Welcome to Iraq Social Forum

de la part de Ben Fredj Nozha on 29/10/2013 19:19
I want to be active and receiving emails 
kind regards

> From: iraq-social-forum-english@...
> To: benfredj.nozha@...
> Subject: Welcome to Iraq Social Forum
> Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 19:16:10 +0000
> Hello Ben Fredj Nozha,
> You are now subscribed to Iraq Social Forum.
> Send your messages to iraq-social-forum-english@...
> If you want to unsubscribe from Iraq Social Forum, send a message to 
> iraq-social-forum-english@... with subject: unsubscribe.
> Yours, 
> List Manager

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