• Iraq Social Forum

!! invitation - extension - fsm 2015 wsf !!

de la part de aicha efessem on 05/02/2015 15:20


*:-) extension commission  *https://fsm2015.org/en/extension

*AR ! الذهاب إلى تونس*

*أو لا*

---كنت قد *سجلت المنظمة*
؟ هناك *العديد من أشكال*
>> تاريخ على* خط والديناميات المحلية*

ملء* استمارة*

>> الانضمام إلى مقهى المنتدى
على الخط

*https://fsm2015.org/ar/extension* <https://fsm2015.org/ar/extension>

* EN Going or not to Tunis! *you have registered
organisation ? there are many ways
<http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/sfex-extension-9situations-en> of
participation possible !


>>  Join the online and local

*preparation dynamics
the form

>>   Join the WSF cafe Tunis <http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfcafefsm-tunis> on

extension commission

 *ES - Yendo a Tunez o no ! *han inscrito
organizacion?  hay muchas formas
<http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/sfex-extension-9situations-es> de
participar !
>> Unirse a la *dinamica de preparation*
participation en linea y local ,
llenar el formulario

>>  Entrar en el Cafe FSM Tunez
<http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfcafefsm-tunis> en linea

 comision extension
*https://fsm2015.org/es/extension* <https://fsm2015.org/es/extension>
 *FR - Allant àTunis ou pas!* vous avez *inscrit *
organisation ?  il y a plusieursfaçons
<http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/sfex-extension-9situations-fr> de
participer !
>> Entrer dans la *dynamique de préparation*
ligne /locale
remplir le formulaire

>> Entrer dans les échanges du Cafe FSM Tunis
<http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfcafefsm-tunis> en ligne

commission  extension
*https://fsm2015.org/extension* <https://fsm2015.org/extension>

 FSM 2015 WSF   5 jan:   1200   organisations  .....

Africaest 37
 -   Africaouest 100
 -  AmericaNorth 17
  -  Amlatina 18
  -  Asia 40
  -  Brazil 15
EuropeEN 50
  -  EuropeFR 100
 -  Maghreb 300
  -  Mashrek 200
 -  Tunisia 350

 >>   373  Activities
 (>> *registration fsm2015
  >> streaming from/de tunis ?  :-)    *fill the form
 :-) j*   32  local activities
<http://openfsm.net/projects/extensionfsm2015/comex15-activites-horstunis> ,
 ( local meetings,?, videoconferences with/avec/con tunis,? local  wsf cafe
fsm point  ?  :-)    *fill the form
 :-) j*
&   110+  Participants online preparation & WSF FSM Café
the form
 :-) j*
[image: logo-tunis2015.jpg]

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