• Iraq Social Forum

  • Re: [Zambia Social Forum ] Program of Zambia Social forum -African Solidarity Caravan

    from gkabaso2003 on Mar 22, 2015 06:57 PM
    ​ Dear All,
    Zambia Social Forum will come to your program (Iraq Social Forum) on dated
    25th March 2015 .Please do also come to our activities programmed below.
    For more information find below two attached brochures.
     Yours Sincerely,
    *2015 WSF PROGRAMME *
    *Salle TD 13* March 28th 8h30-11h
    *Democracy Watchdogs: Youth partners driving development in a Post 2015
    world / ديمقراطية منظمات حقوقية: شركاء شباب يقود التنمية ما بعد 2015*
    Co-Organizer :
    Zambia Social Forum (ZAMSOF)
    *AR *ديمقراطية منظمات حقوقية: شركاء شباب يقود التنمية ما بعد 2015
    *FR *Démocratisation des organisations des droits de l'homme: Les
    principaux partenaires du développement de la jeunesse après 2015
    *EN *Democracy Watchdogs: Youth partners driving development in a Post 2015
    *ES *Los perros guardianes de la democracia: los socios jóvenes que
    impulsan el desarrollo en un mundo después 2015
    *salle S21** March 27th 8h30-11h*
    *Religions et Cultures: Facteurs de Conflits ou Chemin de Dialogue pour la
    paix?Cultures and Religions: Factors of Conflicts or Dialogue for Peace?*
    per la giustizia, pace e riconciliazione)*
    Co-Organizer :
    Zambia Social Forum (ZAMSOF)
    *AR *الديانات و الثقافات : أسباب النزاع أو سبل الحوار من أجل السلام
    *FR *Religions et Cultures: Facteurs de conflits ou chemins de dialogue
    pour la paix ?
    *EN *Cultures and Religions: Factors of Conflicts or Dialogue for Peace?
    *ES *Religiones y culturas: ¿factores de conflictos o caminos de diálogo
    por la paz?
    On 22 March 2015 at 20:06, Martina Pignatti M. <
    martina.pignatti@...> wrote:
    >  [image: Boxbe] <https://www.boxbe.com/overview> This message is eligible
    > for Automatic Cleanup! (martina.pignatti@...) Add cleanup rule
    > <https://www.boxbe.com/popup?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.boxbe.com%2Fcleanup%3Ftoken%3DzYKKs60Og6xEew1tzygK%252FROTgN%252FqU1IEMzqQrtC9R7kGUsYo4k05VjXP47WB0x5B6ZrGwvy%252BSZq%252FoXyGtZOG4NB%252BwTXRiFqztW5q%252BMG4hXVE2xVyyjic93Nb2xfDy61ARYMGjbaYURL6R2rweFZwYTZlHl%252BANmMk%26key%3Dnd7OogRrx4XmZvzU0NRMZ2BylgI7FPAjOaloMhWcvHA%253D&tc_serial=20793349147&tc_rand=1133115817&utm_source=stf&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ANNO_CLEANUP_ADD&utm_content=001>
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    > Dear all,
    > for Alison, Sabiha, Gershom and all other friends we will meet in Tunis,
    > you find attached the program of the main activities organized by the Iraqi
    > Social Forum and ICSSI partners in the WSF. Come and meet us there! The
    > last activity has been changed by us with respect to the printed program,
    > just follow the attached leaflet.
    > Warmly,
    > Martina
    > www.iraqicivilsociety.org
    > --
    > Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/lists/iraq-
    > social-forum-english/archive/2015/03/1427048662581
    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > iraq-social-forum-english@....  Please contact
    > iraq-social-forum-english-manager@... for questions.
    Gershom Kabaso,Jr.,  National Coordinator ,
    Zambia Social Forum  ( ZAMSOF)
     Email:gersheek@...   Zamsof@...
     PO BOX CA 131 Castle Lusaka, Zambia Southern Africa
     Cell Phone: +260 977 46 72 86  +260 950 72 11 22