• Sfex Intercom 2013 Discussion

EN From Belem Expanded 2009 to WSF2010 expanded ! - Invitation to participate

de parte de "Facilit Belex / Sfex" on 2009-12-16 08:37
*EN - Hello to participants in Belem expanded list *

After Belem expanded in 2009 , now  looking forward to expanded  wsf 2010
process !

A *sfex space* has been created to facilitate development  throughout the
world  of expanded participation   (*Local collective <-> Collective in an
Event* in 25+ events)  and of direct intercommunication :  *Local collective
<-> Local collective*

Here are the links you can find in this space
*Sfex home <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/project-home>**   **
Lists <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/lists>**
**  ****Sfex Events <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/one-events>**
**2010 events<http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/sfex-2010-event-list>
**   **Letter <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/examplemessage1>**
** <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/sfexinfo>*  *Sfex
**  info + <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/sfexinfoinfo>**<http://openfsm.net/projects/tecnointercomfsm/project-home>
**Historia <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/belex-sfex>*  *Sfex
Local <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/two-direct>**  **11
Objectiv  <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/sfexdirect-index>**  **
Anounce <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/sfexevent-announce>**  **
Blog  <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/blog/>** **** **Tecno!

So, Take a look, navigate, write , announce , contact   event organizers and
other collectives participating locally in WSF process,  like yours, about
intercom moments by video chat , and inform about expanded activities of
your collective

Your  feedbacks on this list  are most welcome  ( about actions you have
taken in sfex space and about sfex space itself which is new and will be
improved throuhg your suggestions )

Looking forward to your participation in sfex space

Sfex initiative  Facilitating group

 *info about the Belem expanded list *  ( see who is there, unsuscribe .


0 - For more info click on *Sfex
**  info + <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/sfexinfoinfo>**<http://openfsm.net/projects/tecnointercomfsm/project-home>
**Historia <http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/belex-sfex>*


1 - *For Local <-> Event  intercom*  : select the  *2010
**   *link , then select the event you want , then click on " send a letter"
(center left column) , copy the plan  paste it in a mail body or un a text
processor, draft it , send it  to organizers of this event

( also click on  "sfex blog Announce"  in center right column in order to
make publicly visible your intention about this event )

If you are specifically interested in an intercom moment with the January
2010  events ( e-g Porto Alegre forum, .) ...there are six weeks left to
organize your local activity  and get logistical help from the event
organizers , so  write to them quickly !

*NEWS!  -   ECOSOL  solidarity economy forum on 22-24 january in Brazil  has
decided to become an expanded event !  - So go directly to the ecosol
expandida space and  plan a contact with the team there *

2 - *For Local <->Local intercom  *:  select *11 Objectiv
** *  link  , then select the objective you want to adress during your
intercom , then click on sfex blog announce  (in right column) to make
public your proposal or consolidated project  of intercom moment

3 - For  making contact with us,   and get included  in a sfex skype chat
room , click *Contact<http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/contact-chat-room>


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