• Sfex Intercom 2013 Discussion

European Social Forum 2010 Workshop #79: Online discussion opportunity

de la part de will0447@... on 01/07/2010 10:38

One of the main ESF2010 workshops is being offered for a structured real-time
discussion tomorrow.  The Istanbul organisation has confirmed details today

It is listed in the Programme as Workshop #79.  
2010: European year for combating poverty and social exclusion, UN year of

Timing is changed slightly: 9:30-12:30am (Istanbul time), 2nd July

The sf-ex process that was discussed today can be used.  In the meantime, we
will try to learn of the live video-streaming link, to focus the Expanded

Skype connections are available chris-wlms
Facebook and twitter too, details to follow.
OpenFSM will be asian-discussion-forum


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