• Sources for news and comments

Wiki modificadas recientemente August 26, 2014 por Tord

The Ukrainian crisis has been a conflict were it has been extraordinary problematic to find non-biased sources. Instead one have to use the own judgement for each separate piece of information and try to build some understanding of the diferent levels of reliability of different sources. Understanding different languages and espeically Ukrainian and Russian is of course very useful.But there is also a lot of information in other languages as English, German, French, Swedish etc.

Here is an attempt at identifying main sources with different perspectives on the course of events. Checking opposing sources is one import first step. Being careful with when a statement is made and how correct a message or a picture is in relation to what is excluded from the text or picture is also important as several other methods for source criticism. Facebook pages with posts of very varying quality are included as they often give very updates information and links to sources that might be useful (and quite a few which are not). Main stream media and think tanks are dominated by anti-Russian perspectives/pro-EU and/or US. Thus here is included also some blogs with less resources to do their work. Inclusion here does not imply supporting the views of the different soruces.

pro-Euromaidan and the present Ukrainian government

Ukrainian sources:  Euromaidan PR, Kyiv Post Facebook: Euromaidanpr, Україна/Ukraine, Підтримка ЄвроМайдану/Evromaydan Support, Ukraine- International Solidarity with the Democracy Movement

Western main stream media: Die Zeit, The Guardian, The Telegraph, The New York Times, Washington Post, Le Monde, Al Jazeera, Radio Free Europe,

Antimaidan and pro-Russian

Russia Today, Facebook: Truth about situation in UkraineAnti-Euromaidan (Mainly Swedish-Russian), Antimaidan Deutsch,

Sources aiming at being non-biased

Left East, 8 months in Ukraine, EURES - Carleton University, NPR,

Think Tanks and blogs
Pro-US/EU: Stratfor, The Interpreter, Ukraine Analysis, Voices of Ukraine,

Anti-US/EU: Réseau Voltaire, Steigan blogger, 8 dagar, Nyhetsbanken, The Vineyard of the Saker,