• indication about expanded activities

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Expanded activities take place outside Palestine anywhere in the world through three ways: 

       1-  daket-face-a-face.jpg   daket-forum-local-aix.jpg

1 - Local face to face decentralized Activities in any country  on education, hat can be focused on the local educationnal reality , in local languages

  • can be A face to face  meeting , or a public action on the street
  • Expanded activity is registered (see how ) without counterpart in palestine , appear in the program wef 
    • It is organized locally, room, preparation,  mobilization etc..
    • It may be mentioned in the mobilization there will be other  activities related to this meeting , that have a strong distance participation caracteristics  and give the flavor of the bigger event in palestines(see 2 and 3)
    • The activity may involve face a moment of connection with a distant group  to allow for a distant speaker to intervene (but as a secondary importance in the proceeding of the activity. if the connection is the main object of interest then the activity has to be considered as  distance type 2) - is a question of assessing how you want to register it :
      example if there is an hour of discussion local before  an hour of interchange  with Palestine, followed by an other hour of local , you can either declare a local activity online with connection, or you can declare two activities one three hours face -to-face meeting and a one hour distance
       .encounter  ..
  • EXTENDING YOUR ACTIVITY ON INTERNET The activity can be extended face / and recorded with intant video in www.ustream.tv  - or radio broadcast,  which allows to "follow", and instant messaging in www.skype.com or through telephone calls which allow to "participate"
    • your organization need to appoint two people responsible for this, think of possible interpretation to international languages ) 
    • In the form for registering the  activity: to say YES in the column: Do you wish your activity to be transmitted as streaming live with a chat room on the WEF website 
    • In the field of description of activities: give practical info to those wishing to attend remotely from any other place in the world  give  the link to the video/radio  channel you will use  and give public skype address of the contact person for wishing to attend remotely from any other place in the world or mexico 
    • Do not forget to Spread in advance  the news to your networks that you will be expanding your activity and  invite them to  remote participation 

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2 - Activities of meeting with groups present in parts of the FME in Palestine (video session by using the internet)  see the rooms in palestine

  • A local group, makes contact with groups in Palestine (http://wef-palestine.org/organizations)
    • They define a day / hour / item for a one or two hour or more  exchange 
    • The exchange will done by video www.skype.com  or other
  • Expanded activity is registered (see how ) with counterpart in palestine ,Activity  appear on the site as an  expanded activity wef http://wef-palestine.org/soa-list then in the WEF program 
  • Prepare the connexion in parallel with  the Palestinian counterparts,
    • a room with video projector, with technical tests,made in the place where the exchange is going to happen, prepare interpreters if necessary
    • In Palestine, the wef expanded team will reserve  a room equipped in connection
    • At the appointed hour, the Palestine counterpart, and delegate from the local group, if any, are in the room in Palestine 
  • EXTENDING YOUR ACTIVITY ON INTERNET The activity can be extended face / and recorded with intant video in www.ustream.tv  - or radio broadcast,  which allows to "follow", and instant messaging in www.skype.com or through telephone calls which allow to "participate"
    • Your organisation need to appoint  two people responsible for this, think of possible interpretation to international languages ) 
    • In the form for registering the activity: say YES in the column: Do you wish your activity to be transmitted as streaming live with a chat room on the WEF website 
    • In the field of description of activities: give practical info to those wishing to attend remotely from any other place in the world  give  the link to the video/radio  channel you will use  and give public skype address of the contact person for wishing to attend remotely from any other place in the world or mexico 
    • Do not forget to Spread the news to your networks that you will be expanding your activity and  invite them to  remote participation 

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Video+Chat Extension of  WEFPalestine Seminar March10 - Video Extension of Mexico -Dakar Encounter May10 - Video Extension of bordeaux Seminar July10

3 - Distance Participation in activities in Palestinian that are being extended by their organisiers using video and instant messaging over the Internet) - like watching a footbal match together , and being able to talk to players

  • this is assuming that a group in Palestine (or another local place ) will extend its activities with live video www.ustream.tv www.livestream.com  and instántenea messaging www.skype.com 
    • the activity form in the http ://wef-palestine.org/soa-list   show that this activity  will be extened  if on the line: Do you wish your activity to be transmitted as streaming live with a chat room on the WEF website: they have to have said: Yes) 
    • The local group makes contact with the activity organizers (through the website) and confirms its interest in participating at a distance, gets confirmed the video channel and the name of the contact skype internet for instant messaging 
  • Expanded activity is registered (see how ) with or without a  counterpart in palestine-but  in its description  reference is given to activity in which you are going to participate, the time is the time of the extended activity  that makes the video (taking time difference into account ) - it appears as expanded activity in http://wef-palestine.org/soa-list then appear in the list then in the final program wef 
    • Local organizers should look for a room with a video projector and loudspeakers where to set up comfortably, one computer can open two windows, one on channel  on the video and one on the  chat room skype 
    • Ahead of the event someone in the local group makes contact with the "contact person" designated in  the activity descripton , who invites her into the chat room prepared for this activity, in advance - 
    • When the activity  takes place in Palestine, the local Grupo Connect at agreed videochannel , and in skype chat room and communicate with other "followers" /participants of the video channel,
    • they can influence the discussion in palesting  by written interventions displayed in the chat room and  that the "conact person" will speak out in palestine in their name , and under their view
    • incase there is no internet available , the activity organizers can arrange with local community radio to brodcast the signal they find in internet  -  this system can be adapted with radio broadcast and a telefone calling to the contact person