• WEF-Palestine Interlink & Extend discussion

RE: starting the list

de parte de refaat SABBAH on 2010-09-16 22:30

 Okay we will discuss this later and do what we can 

From: rsabbah@...
To: pierregrg@...
Subject: RE: starting the list
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 22:11:47 +0000


Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 00:04:12 +0200
Subject: starting the list
From: pierregrg@...
To: rsabbah@...


Hello, Adnan Franck Marjon  Maren Martina  Michel Refaat Soraida and others on that list  

and also Ana, Zarel, Ibrahima Buuba, ( facilitating groups of acctivities in portugal, mexico, senegal  .... )

Here is  a link to  this space which is about sharing practical info about interlink, extend , and encounter  bteween organisations having activities in palestine  (many of them palestinian ) 

 Purpose here  is very practical :  
 to have a collective space dealing with issues around 

interlink during activities ,between places in palestine ( distance encounters between haifa and ramallah for instance

extend the activities  on internet ( to allow distance participation from people in other venues or anywhere in the world )
 and share contacts abvout  distance encounters  activities with other countries -palestinian organisations may be interested in knowing which are the   distance encounter activities that are being prepared 

all this can only feed  accountable  intercommunicaiton and open dialogue dynamics inside WEF socia forum process

Interested people/organisations can come and subscribe here 

and  be included in this list 

 where they can ask questions, and inform others of their intentions etc..

public archives of the list is here ( if you think it better stays private  public  archiving  will be suppressed )
 avoid  giving personal  data on it ....


May be people who are active in taking care of the 5 venues,and providing the internet and distance encounter equipment can be included in this list to see concretely  the surge of need for  inter-communication 



Situation of the 19  expanded activities per language area is currently  the following  

in francofonia  french speaking countries  -the dynamics is developing  

( there is  nancy who involves refaat ;-)   and other announcements  in france in senegal in morroco - there will be a great need to faciltiate contacts

in  anglophonia - including brazil   it is starting  

in hispanofonia  - not much  is happening except the prominent activity in mexico (  to date no preparatory  skype conversation has taken place between womens organisation in palesitne and in mexico  -a positivie contact has been made by mail with soraida many activities will require contacts with palestinian counterparts , which may be made throuhg different channels , including this list !

you may find useful to  circulate this email to  some organizaiton whom you feel are interested by the idea of interlink for self organized activities , or OC orgainsations that have co-organized acitvities and whish to interlink or extend them on interne

Looking forward to your feedbacks and inputs , and in a collaborative spirit ( of course the space and list are co-administerable and co editable - if someone can do something about the automated translation arabic in front page of the space /welcome ) 

Best wishes for the WEF

social forum expanded intiative  - and wef palestine expanded team in the making :-)



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