• WSF Extended info

D-40 to WSF Tunis - organize locally and tele participate

de parte de facilitfsm@... en 14/02/2013 12:38
Hello participants in the WSF 2013 www.fsm2013.org 

We are 40 days before WSF2013

Here are 4 ways to participate in the WSF from "outside Tunis»
may be of great interest for persons and organizations that will not be a Tunis March 26 to 30
thank you for circulating the message

Why not set up, to the extent of your means and your number, through cooperation, a "WSF day" in your city?
where to  have face to face discussions , comment wsf website,  and tele visit tunis campus , tele participate in activities in tunis , tele encounter with groups in with, by internet,
Here are some suggestions

Make your activity outside Tunis visible , register on the WSF site as an activity (by selecting "out of tunis" option in the extended field)

Contact us:
skype contact.tunes
maill  contact.extension  at fsm2013.org

Information on extension

We will be greeting you in tunis, on line !
Tunis Extended Team 

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