• WG about future

A link to have an overview on contributions so far made in "ic future" discussion

de parte de Pierre George on 2012-09-19 13:00
(english only at this stage) ****

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Hello everyone ****

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In order to give an overview of who has contributed what and what are the
next steps, the home page of our working group is updated here


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It comes with several items on it


   - WHO IS IN THE GROUP membership in the list
green names are those of person that have created an account in
   - STARTING REPORT report from discussion in monastir  (ES)
   Gina and Wilhemina
   - MAILING LIST  FOR THE DISCUSSION  *exchanges on the list  with
   messages inputs by several people
   - HOW TO PROCEED IN THE GROUP  ( discussion in progress while
   contributions are being made (1)
   -  TEXT CONTRIBUTIONS ON LINE ( counting now 6 contributions  chico
   francine pierre rita sara mireille)

*The page  http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-icfuture-home allows
to conveniently and quickly move from one contribution to another –*

Reading carefully each contribution is a token of respect for the effort
made, and the guarantee  to be enriched by the different approaches taken
in each of them – and concete suggestions and ideas they may contain.

It may be good to detail the structure of the text of some contribution to
allow quick reference to some parts of the texts (for instance : turning
rita’s  message contribution in a clear page 6, and making a more detailed
plan of francine’s contribution 2 is under way

*Contributions  offer a series of  elements with different “nature” that
can be censed*  : IC history ,IC past operation analysis,  definitions ,
notions related to IC and WSF process , description of scope and missions
of IC, operation suggestions for IC meetings,  description of review
protocol , suggestions for IC debates, etc…

Between each contribution, differences of scope, and absence or presence of
certain elements, is a food for thought, and this breeds openness to other
people vision and suggestions

While some more contributions will continue come (who is next?)  , *It may
be  time to start gathering, in the various contributions to date, elements
that are having the same “nature”,* and to show their similarity,
complementarity, or possible contradictions.

*Censing those various “natures” of elements is also useful to have a
relevant list of "aspects" to consider * in our collective task of making
recommendations of steps to be taken for the future of IC,

*This series of aspects might be a* *guiding thread to have the sequential
discussion inside the group,  option that seems to be emerging from current
exchanges between Francine gina rita *….

Before starting the sequential discussion it is good to make this overview
effort and "absorb" the contributions

Parallel attempts from group members to give such an ordered overview of
the material so far produced can only be usefulI , personally, intend to
propose an attempt of review along this idea,  whenever I find the time.

What do you think?

Wishing you a good navigation in our (*)group wiki space

hugs from Pierre

(*) several people can co edit that space
http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/team and other can join sara and
 rita are invited , chico and mireille can be invited or join at their own

To edit a new page the simplest way is to go to
http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsficindex  and edit this page
creating a new page ((wsfic icfuture xxxxxxxx)) where xxx is the name of
the new page you want to create , then send a message to the group list
with the link to the new page

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