• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Call for contributions to our website, facebook page, hashtag #GlobalSquare

de parte de jasper teunissen en 25/02/2013 20:36

Last week we had a short meeting about communication and outreach. We 
just brainstormed a little bit, and here below are some of the ideas 
that we discussed, if you have more / better ideas, please let us know :-)

*Website: http://www.global-square.net*

Everybody is invited to submit stories to the site, about everything 
that you think is relevant to our initiative. We now have 4 sections:
- *Stories from the squares* (What is going on in your area? Histories 
or overviews are also very welcome)
- *Stories from Tunisia* (What is going on in Tunisia? We want to be 
informed about the country that hosts the WSF!)
- *Reflections on meetings and movements *(Opinion, visions about 
organizing, assemblies, resistance, uprising, etc)
- *Calls and announcements *(Upcoming meetings, protests and activities)
You can send your texts or links (in any language) to Orsan, Marita or 
me. Of course we can also make you admin/editor. Our group is here: 
Everyone can help us by sharing/liking/reblogging the content on the 

*Facebook page*

We also have created a facebook page: 
In case you are on facebook, like it, share it, and post your relevant 
links and news there.

*Twitter hashtag*

Some people already started to use #GlobalSquare 
<https://twitter.com/search?q=globalsquare>, so in case you are active 
on twitter you are welcome to do the same, in combination with any of 
your favorite hashtags. The WSF seems to be tagged with #FSM2013 and 
#WSF2013, maybe more will be added later.

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