• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • printing flyers / posters

    from Jasper on Mar 04, 2013 10:43 PM
    hi all,
    I can take 20 kilo of stuff on the plane, so i'm happy to print at least 
    part of flyers/posters at my local stencil collective and bring them to 
    Tunis. I'm telling you now, because I would need content + design ready 
    around 17th of march (date of our next meeting).
    My suggestions for both the flyers and posters are to have:
    - a very short text about our process
    - our program, including a timetable
    - some links, to website + facebook + #GlobalSquare
    - some 'open space' for last minute changes etc
    - translations (french?)
    Any comments? Anyone wants to help to work on this?
    grts jasper
    Thread Outline:
  • Collecting the videos...

    from daniseco on Mar 05, 2013 09:06 AM
    Hi. Perhaps we could have the videos that we did for the crowdfunding, the one that Mariangela did about our process and the ones from TNI together in a list on youtube linked from our website or something like that. Then we can add whatever we produce in Tunisia.
    About the crowdfunding, it is going very well without the goteo or anything else, so I think I am going to pass it, but how about putting in our website after the video, that if someone wants to collaborate economically please contact us...
    This is the video of the crowdfunding.
    • Re: Collecting the videos...

      from mariangela on Mar 05, 2013 11:03 AM
      El 05/03/2013, a las 10:02, Daniel Seco escribió:
      > Hi. Perhaps we could have the videos that we did for the crowdfunding, the one that Mariangela did about our process and the ones from TNI together in a list on youtube linked from our website or something like that. Then we can add whatever we produce in Tunisia.
      > About the crowdfunding, it is going very well without the goteo or anything else, so I think I am going to pass it, but how about putting in our website after the video, that if someone wants to collaborate economically please contact us...
      > This is the video of the crowdfunding.
      > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyDmSjFP4O8
      > --
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