• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: Re: [17s] Mediterranean Solidarity Camp (6-8 Sep., Turkey)

de parte de Orsan Senalp en 30/08/2013 08:51
 tyr to put this toether:

The Peoples’ Real Intervention for Peace, in Peace! From #1S and #15O
to #5N and beyond:

The International Road to Dignity Reloaded

The real ‘International Community’, we, the one composed of real
peoples not corporations and the tiny minority of an mechanical
heartless elite, considers this time to intervene in first the US, UK,
France, Canada, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Israel, Turkey,
Russia, China, Syria, Egypt, Bahrain, Spain, Greece, Portugal,
Italy,…. and everywhere for peace, and in peace!

Call from Turkey to stand against the War on September 1st, World Peace Day:

Call for peace within Turkey, Syria, Egypt and all countries and
between countries, in the region and in the World:


Here are the long lists of marching convergence events, spaces and
global mobilisations for freedom, justice, equality, real democracy
and emancipation from the opression, racism, discrimination, injustice
and facism -on the international road to dignity!

List of planned actions, meetings and events being prepared by various
social movements http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions

WSF 2013 Calendar: http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf2012-support/wsf2013-calendar

AND the Anonymous Call to Action: #Nov5th 2013 — the Lion Sleeps No More

#5N Map: http://www.millionmaskmarch.ws/

On 30 August 2013 10:28, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
> List of planned actions, meetings and events being prepared by various
> social movements http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions
> WSF 2013 Calendar: http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf2012-support/wsf2013-calendar
> we need a good design for these envets and spaces on the road to dignity!
> for the 4th I will be on the way to turkey. lets discus on the lists
> and try to realise the links by linking people and groups around the
> design. I remember Jasper started a website, it would be really good
> to reactivate it, and if there comes a new design put it there?
> I might try to connect on mumble when I am in turkey with some of the
> people on the ground to give updates and report to those who are
> interested to hear?
> On 30 August 2013 10:04, marita <maciacia50@...> wrote:
>> please let's have a meeting just before you go to Turkey
>> I propose september 4th of September concentrating our attention in the next
>> international meetings (from the turkish camp to Agora99)
>> -how to connect in a net all these events -
>> and October actions
>> mariangela
>> El 30/08/2013, a las 09:23, Örsan escribió:
>> thanks comrades and Olcay, would be good to get Olcay and others on the tts
>> list! I ll be goin to the solidarity camp and another chapulcu event near
>> izmir next week and wondering if others will be going from europe north
>> africa or americas?
>> because of the visa issue it is more difficult to get chapulcus  fron turkey
>> and rebellions from north africa to spaces like hub meeting and agora99 in
>> europe so anyone could go foca or others spaces built in turkey, tunis, or
>> egypt might try to invite people to tts. besides it can be an idea to meet
>> on mumble on september the 16th right after the hub meeting and a day before
>> the 17s OWS assembly in NYC to meet exchange and get linked.
>> The other very important update is there will be a large mob this sunday for
>> peace -within turkey., in the region and worldwide. September 1st is the
>> world peace day and the imperialists are about to trigger a world war.by
>> attacking at Syria. #1S needs to go international and it can still happen if
>> we have a collective call coming from Chapulcus rebellions indignados
>> Occupy.
>> Lets create a common pad and in ite activists from all the countries to
>> write down the global call for peace protest on 1S?
>> solidarity
>> On 30 aug. 2013, at 01:14, Comision Informacion
>> <informacion.acampadasol@...> wrote:
>> Here is an e-mail from Occupy Gezi, Istanbul. If anyone's interested I can
>> send you her contact, her name is Olcay.
>> Here it goes:
>> Hello dear friends,
>> (...)
>> I hope all is fine with you and not suffering so much from the heat as we do
>> here in Istanbul.
>> I am writing all of you together, even most of you do not know eachother,
>> yet hopefully this mail will be the first step for a solidarity web.
>> There is no need to talk about Gezi here, as you all know what happened
>> there. After Gezi, these months we are trying to build a solidarity network
>> in between the struggles and movements. There are many different initiations
>> for that focusing on activism and/or political side of the movement.
>> There is going to be a camp on September from 6th to 8th in Foça, İzmir. We
>> as Mustereklerimiz (mustereklerimiz.org) is one of the organisers of the
>> event. And we would like to be together with the other movements from
>> especially Mediterranean base, as 15M, Halkidiki anti-gold mine movement,
>> No-TAV, No Ponte, Notre Dame de Landes,....
>> We are inviting yet we can offer nothing.. There is almost no budget to pay
>> the expenses, so we are just making a call and say that if it is possible we
>> would be so glad to be with our Mediterranean comrades and learn from each
>> other, be in solidarity and continue the struggle together.
>> Below is a short text in English on the camp.
>> I am always available for the questions. You may give my mobile number to
>> the ones who would like to join us.
>> We are going to rent busses to go to Foça from Istanbul.
>> All my best wishes.
>> In solidarity
>> Olcay
>> ------
>> Mediterranean Soli-Camp is an invitation to a gathering where we can talk
>> about solidarity and resistance; in the very days we say ‘Nothing will
>> remain the same’.
>> In the Camp, we will organize our forums on creating our solidarity
>> webs/networks and/or decide what to do to strengthen the existing ones.
>> Mediterranean Soli-Camp is an event adopting and celebrating ecologist,
>> anti-authoritarian, anti-hierarchical, anti-fascist, anti-racist,
>> anti-sexist, anti-speciesist, anti-homophobic, anti-transphobic and
>> anti-militarist political thoughts of people.
>> 6-7-8th of September 2013 Foça - Izmir
>> For all details: http://akdenizdayanisma.org/index.php/english-2/
>> Facebook Event Page : https://www.facebook.com/events/341692485965671/
>> (end of forwarded e-mail)
>> --
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> PuntoSol (Punto de Información de AcampadaSol)
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>> ASAMBLEAS: Primer lunes de mes a las 20:00 en Sol (junto al Caballo)
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