• comcom meeting listofworkplantopics

Wiki modificadas recientemente May 11, 2011 por facilitfsm

reference documents page 


Limiting to 2mn exposition  by one participant,  and 3 mn for one round censing  one sentence feedbacks and request  for deeper discussion or complement info
the "exposing participant" is among  the facilitators of project paragraph,  and among interested person for general paragraphs( see agenda  part I last  question)

Background and common agenda

A-1 dimensions of com  - (somehow adressed in first review  of expectations part 1) 
A-2 com practices in WSF context (somehow adressed in first review  of expectations part 1s) 
A-3 challenge of common process  in 2011 -12
A-4 involvement of IC  ( to be adressed at the end of afternoon part 5)
A-5 8 working groups plan 
A-6 validation and reference text  
A-7 cooperation with office  and extended staff  
A-8 organistions involved  
B-1 intercommission issues  ( to be adressed in the end of meeting part5)
B-2 seminar on ic communication issues 
B-3 integrate tools – portal issues  
Internal communication

1-1  sfex initiative  
1-2  newsletter  
1-3 portal common redesign  
1-4 tool for wsf related groups  
 Shared coverage
2-1 video exchange project  
2-2 radion exchange project
 2-3 alternative media ( ciranda)  
2-4 virtual media center  
 Teams and tools
stimulation of technical webteam – wsf software support community group  
3-2 stimulate exchange on design of websites  
3-3 wsf participants data base  
3-4 global campaign on wsf sustainability
3-5 visual identity group  
3-6 address cultural, artistic and dialogic dimensions of communication  
3-7 commission strategy seminar  
3-8 office expanded  
 IC and other commissions  
4-0  tomorrow commission meeting   (adressed in the evening part 5   )
4-5  IC meeting inputs from comcom     (adressed in the evening part 5   )
4-1 ambassadors to/from expansion     (adressed in the evening part 5   )
4-2  ambass to/from methodology     (adressed in the evening part 5   )
4-3 ambassadors to/from ressrouces    (adressed in the evening part 5   )
4-4 ambassadors to/from stategy   (adressed in the evening part 5   )