• Communication commission discussion

Kirk left IPS TerraViva

de la part de akirk on 19/05/2009 16:50
Dear friends and comrades,

Please note that as of March 31, 2009,  I am no longer working for  
IPS and therefore will cease to lead TerraViva.

It was the final chapter of a long story.

In spite of it all, it was hugely rewarding -politically as well as  
professionally- for our entire team to produce this newspaper as it  
came to be reknown: independent, challenging, critical, vibrant.  
Perhaps nowhere else has TerraViva been so useful as in the WSF, I  
feel. Perhaps nowhere else can one find a more generous and vital  
environment as I have experienced at the WSF since its inception,  
back in 2001.

So I will be happy to keep contributing to it and to this  
Communication Group, perhaps more freely as an independent  
journalist, fully committed to our common struggle.

My new email address will be kirksv(at)gmail.com

A luta continua, a vitoria e certa!

Hugs to you all.

Alejandro Kirk

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