• Communication commission discussion


from Giuseppe Caruso on Dec 11, 2009 09:59 AM
dear Jason,

thank you for this. I did not have the chance to be at the latest meetings
and i was wondering if this response was discussed or what indeed if
anything was discussed about the LG letter.

Perhaps you could circulate the letter you wish to write to the LG in this
list so that we all can have still some chance to edit, reflect and suggest?

Of course, as you very rightly suggest, the ideal response could just be to
simply convey our desire to meet as soon as possible in a skype chat in
order to exchange our views on the issues raised in an open and frank
conversation with the LG members


2009/12/11 Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@...>

> Dear all,
> if it is ok with you, I'm going to send a reply today to the Liason Group
> with a compilation of our responses from our debate and trying to set a date
> for an online meeting with them.
> Hopefully we can overcome this critical moment with a mutual clarification.
> cheers,
> Jason
> 2009/12/7 bettina gozzano <bg.64.it@...>
>  care e cari tutti,
>> ci scusiamo per il ritardo nella partecipazione al dibattito generato dal
>> report del LG ma diversi motivi ce lo hanno impedito fino ad oggi.
>> Crediamo che la lettera  di Roberto Savio abbia  risposto molto
>> puntualmente  a una parte delle critiche del LG e concordiamo con gran parte
>> delle precisazioni e valutazioni dei membri della commissione che sono un
>> positivo sintomo di attività e dibattito della Com Com.
>> Il report dell'LG anche se a dir poco "inusuale", offre a tutti noi la
>> possibilità da un lato di chiarire eventuali equivoci e grosse inesattezze
>> sull'operato della Comm Comm una volta per tutte, dall'altro di avviare una
>> discussione interna alla commissione comunicazione per arrivare a definire
>> finalmente una governance efficace, condivisa, e rispettata da tutti.
>> Pensiamo sia necessario organizzare il prima possiblile l'incontro via
>> chat proposto dal LG anche perchè il processo forum del 2010 , come indicato
>> nel piano di comunicazione, non può funzionare se tutte le commissioni, i
>> gruppi di lavoro e i membri del CI  non lavorano nella più grande armonia e
>> fiducia gli uni  negli altri.
>> grazie per l'attenzione
>> Antonio, Bettina
>> FocusPuller
>> EN:
>> Visualizza caratteri romani
>>  dear all,
>> We apologize for the delay in participating in the debate generated by the
>> report of the LG but several reasons unabled us to partecipate until today.
>> We believe that the letter of Roberto Savio has responded very punctually
>> with some of the criticisms of the LG and we also agree  with most of the
>> details and evaluations of the commission members which are a positive sign
>> of activity and debate.
>> The report sended by LG, though quite "unusual", gives us all the
>> opportunity to clarify any misconceptions and inaccuracies about  Comm Comm
>> work once and for all, and on the other hand, to initiate a discussion
>> within the CommunicationCommission  to get to finally establish effective
>> governance, agreed and respected by all.
>> We think it is necessary first to organize the proposed meeting via chat
>> with the  LG  also because the process of 2010, as indicated in the
>> communication plan can not work if all the committees, working groups and
>> members of the IC does not work in greater harmony and trust in each
>> other.
>> Thanks for your attention
>> Antonio, Bettina
>> Focuspuller
>> --
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