• Communication commission discussion

Re: WEF Palestine communication and the BDS media maraton

de parte de rita@... on 2010-10-17 13:05
Dear all

This is the first draft of the call for a BDS marathon wrote by Stop  
the Wall. The text is open to sugestions and media subscriptions

Please, help us to finalize it


Join the Anti-Apartheid Media Marathon to help put a stop to illegal
practices of the Occupation

To mark this year?s Week against the Apartheid Wall from 9 - 16
November, Palestinian and international activists will again mobilize
in the streets and organize a series of events across the globe. This
mobilization on the ground will be  complemented by a fast paced 48
hour media marathon on 12 and 13 November. We call on media to join 48
hours non-stop coverage!

On the days of the Week against the Apartheid Wall there will be a
calendar of international events, where participants will come
together to demand an end to the Apartheid Wall and to Israeli
impunity, through film screenings, demonstrations, photo exhibits,
conferences and debates. .. In Asia, North and South America and
Europe people will come together to target the apartheid policies and
practices of the Occupation, and the Governments and international
businesses which are complicit in the construction of the illegal Wall
and the settlements. The Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions campaign
is crucial in telling the world that Israel and the companies and
Governments which support it should no longer be allowed to profit
from the continuing attack on the basic rights of Palestinians.

Israel and the international community have failed to meet their
obligations to end the construction of the Wall and its associated
regime six years on from the ICJ Advisory Opinion which found these
practices to be illegal.  As another round of peace talks will not
bring any justice to the Palestinian people, it is more important now
than ever to mobilize communities around the world to bring an end to
the injustices of the Occupation.

Stop the Wall Campaign, in cooperation with Ciranda, Foro Social de
Radios, WSFTV, shared communication initiatives and alternative media,
has launched this media marathon to engage international media
activists in raising awareness of the Wall and its effects. Several
media networks, such as the ones listed below, have already joined in.
We call on media to join 48 hours non-stop coverage by broadcasting,
airing, streaming or publishing information about the Wall, Israeli
Apartheid and Palestinian resistance and global BDS movement.

Participating is easy:
   1. Choose a time span during the 48 hours of the media marathon
(12th of November 0:00h ? 13th of November 23:59h), during which you
will offer coverage about the Wall, Israeli Apartheid and Palestinian
resistance and global solidarity.
   2. Let Stop the Wall know that you are participating in the Media
Marathon so that we can get you in contact with other participating
media and can insert you in the 48 hours programming to be published a
special website. Contact: gemma@...
   3. Create your programming. Draw upon the resources in your
community. There is much information and media material already out
there. Contact Stop the Wall at gemma@... if you need
support, information or material.

This media marathon is the first of its kind. Stop the Wall Campaign
calls on journalists and media stations across the world to take the
opportunity to cover these major events over 12 and 13 November as
they follow the route of the sun. The time is now to show that there
can be no peace without an end to repression and occupation.

More information on the Week Against the Apartheid Wall can be found
here: http://stopthewall.org/latestnews/2361.shtml

For more information on the events being held in your country, please
check the website on the media marathon: [website address]

Stop the Wall: gemma@...
Ciranda (Hilde and Soraya): bds@...

Participating networks and groups/being contacted:
Stop the Wall
Foro Social de Radios
Caros Amigos

Citando chris williams <will0447@...>:

> Hello everyone
> Below is Thursday’s encouragement from Rita, and thinking for the Ramallah/
> Adelaide connection.
> in solidarity
> chris
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> WEF- Palestine Alternative Media conversation: 14 Oct 2010
>  [8:01:14 AM] Rita Freire: Hi Chris
> [8:09:11 AM] Rita Freire: Hi Chris, can we talk by writing? I don't   
> have micro
> here
> [8:10:39 AM] Chris Williams: Hi Rita Yes, is OK?
> [8:11:15 AM] Rita Freire: Ok,
> [8:11:51 AM] Rita Freire: Are you organizing an activity for Palestine or a
> remote one?
> [8:12:22 AM] Chris Williams: I was speaking to Intesar in Ramallah,   
> but she is
> gone now ... to sleep
> [8:12:48 AM] Chris Williams: Yes, a remote activity
> [8:13:13 AM] Rita Freire: Did you find a solution for connection?
> [8:14:00 AM] Chris Williams: Yes.  We will Skype with TCC. Possibly stream
> with ustream or Mallory
> [8:14:34 AM] Rita Freire: Ok, great!
> [8:15:04 AM] Chris Williams: I spoke to Pierre 2 hours ago
> [8:16:43 AM] Rita Freire: Chris, have you any contact with an alternative
> media in Adelaide, wich could join us covering the activity? Exchanging
> contents? Something like this?
> [8:18:29 AM] Chris Williams: Not alternative.  I can find alterative media in
> Australia.  But, also, our University can do 'independent' media ...
> alternative?
> [8:18:48 AM] Rita Freire: Yes
> [8:19:24 AM] Rita Freire: covering and exchanging
> [8:19:29 AM] Chris Williams: We have many campuses, and regularly connect
> between using internet
> [8:21:06 AM] Rita Freire: You could check who could coordinate with us. For
> now and for after, covering the WSF process
> [8:22:13 AM] Chris Williams: Yes, I will do that.  I will start with
> alternative media, then look at campus media.  OK?
> [8:23:52 AM] Rita Freire: Ok. And people wanting to be part on the   
> BDS campagn
> are wellcome
> [8:25:42 AM] Chris Williams: We have EAPPI on campus.  Also, Bek is   
> in Yanoun,
> West Bank until 19 October.  Yanoun has 120 people, near Ramallah
> [8:26:00 AM] Rita Freire: Interesting
> [8:28:12 AM] Chris Williams: Bek says a new EAPPI team is being prepared in
> Jerusalem, and will relieve her after 19th.  I am trying to get   
> details of the
> new team.  Bek is a BDS organiser for National Churches of Australia
> [8:28:57 AM] Rita Freire: Only good news...
> [8:29:24 AM] Chris Williams: ... that's all I have.
> [8:30:45 AM] Rita Freire: Tell us what "name" of media initiative we can list
> for media maraton on BDS, and what weblink
> [8:32:02 AM] Rita Freire: You define what you understand by activist media -
> if one or more websites
> [8:32:13 AM] Chris Williams: ‘Connecting across the gap/s’?
> [8:32:20 AM] Rita Freire: And let us know
> [8:33:24 AM] Chris Williams: I will search, and think, and let you   
> know what I
> learn
> [8:33:53 AM] Rita Freire: I am not asking what you think, it is not an
> interrogatory
> [8:34:40 AM] Chris Williams: oops.  OK.  Activist media across many sites?
> [8:35:26 AM] Rita Freire: Just the media's name to include with our media
> [8:36:04 AM] Chris Williams: OK.  Not now, but soon
> [8:36:40 AM] Rita Freire: The page's of eventual coverage
> [8:37:10 AM] Rita Freire: Ok, when you can
> [8:37:31 AM] Rita Freire: It will be great to be connected with Adelaide
> initiatives
> [8:38:15 AM] Rita Freire: And thank you for calling.
> [8:38:36 AM] Rita Freire: I have a meeting now, in few minutes
> [8:39:13 AM] Chris Williams: It is great for Adelaide to finally join WSF
> activities, after Melbourne, Nairobi 2008, Osaka 2010, Istanbul 2010.
> [8:39:56 AM] Rita Freire: Yes, I mean between communication initiatives
> [8:41:53 AM] Rita Freire: And about these Forums you list, We really  
>  need more
> records from them. We have a lot of possibilities to exchange
> [8:42:17 AM] Rita Freire: What time is it in Adelaide?
> [8:43:55 AM] Chris Williams: I understand the history project, and will
> forward Skype record to fsm. 8:40am, ready for Thursday work.  I think Sao
> Paolo is after 7pm ... yesterday
> [8:45:23 AM] Rita Freire: Yes,  my meeting is about to start. People are
> arriving. Have a nice day.
> [8:45:30 AM] Rita Freire: See you!
> [8:46:00 AM] Chris Williams: And you! In solidarity, as always
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> On Oct 12, 2010 01:58 PM, rita@... wrote:
>> >
>> > Dear friends
>> >
>> > Towards the WEF Palestine, we are in coordination with Stop the Wall
>> > for an initiative of shared mediatic maraton on BDS campagn (booked
>> > for november). Stop the Wall are drafting the call. We are just
>> > starting contacts with activist media like Altermondo, Ejoussour,
>> > Alai/Minga, Caros Amigos and others. And wsftv is already onboard for
>> > videos.
>> > Let's  Com Com participants to build this action together?
>> >
>> > For the WEF, we can take part in a workshop on this issue. Let's go to
>> > talk?
>> > An add question:
>> >
>> > How Com Com projects should to work together for the WEF comunication
>> > tools and initiatives?
>> >
>> > Rita
> --
> Archive:   
> http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/lists/communication-commission-discussion/archive/2010/10/1287162637508
> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to   
> communication-commission-discussion@....  Please   
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