• Communication commission discussion

Re: WEF Palestine communication and the BDS media maraton

de parte de "Hilde C. Stephansen" en 18/10/2010 18:07
Desculpem - aqui esta a lista de redes e grupos participantes atualisada:
Stop The Wall
Foro Social de Radios
Caros Amigos

On 18 October 2010 16:57, Hilde C. Stephansen <h.stephansen@...> wrote:
> Amigas y amigos
> Aqui está a tradução da chamada em Castelhano. Português a seguir logo.
> abraços,
> Hilde
> Únete al Maratón de Medios en contra del  apartheid, para ayudar a
> poner un alto a las prácticas ilegales de la Ocupación en Palestina.
> Para marcar la semana contra del Muro de Apartheid, del 9 al 16 de
> Noviembre activistas palestinos e internacionales una vez más tomarán
> las calles y organizarán una serie de eventos alrededor del mundo.
> Esta movilización de las calles, será complementada por un maratón de
> medios que durará 48 horas cubriendo los días 12 y 13 de Noviembre.
> Llamamos a todos los medios a unirse a la cubertura sin pausas durante
> estas 48 horas!
> Durante los días de la Semana en contra del Muro de Apartheid, habrá
> un calendario de eventos internacionales donde participantes se
> juntarán para demandar el fin al Muro del Apartheid y a la impunidad
> Israelí, a través de películas, exhibiciones fotográficas,
> demostraciones, conferencias y debates. En Asia, América del Norte,
> América del Sur, y Europa, personas se reunirán teniendo como blanco
> las políticas de apartheid y las prácticas de la Ocupación, así como a
> los gobiernos y empresas internacionales que son cómplices de la
> construcción ilegal del Muro y los convenios.
> La campaña de Boicot, Sanciones y Desinversiones juega un papel
> decisivo en decirle al mundo que Israel, y las compañías y gobiernos
> que lo apoyan, no deben de ser permitidas a seguir sacando beneficios
> del ataque a los derechos básicos de los Palestinos.
> A seis años de que La Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) haya
> declarado que la construcción del muro viola los derechos de los
> palestinos, Israel y la comunidad internacional han fallado en cumplir
> sus obligaciones y terminar la construcción del Muro y el régimen
> asociado. Dado a que otra ronda de negociaciones de paz no traerá
> justicia a los palestinos, es ahora aún más importante movilizar a
> comunidades alrededor del mundo para dar fin a las injusticias de la
> Ocupación.
> La campaña Popular Palestina contra el Muro de Apartheid (Stop the
> Wall), junto con Ciranda, el Foro social de Radios, WSFTV, e
> iniciativas de medios alternativos, ha lanzado este maratón mediático
> para atraer a activistas de medios internacionales a crear conciencia
> del Muro y sus efectos. Varias redes de medios, como las enlistadas a
> continuación, ya se han unido. Llamamos a los medios a unirse a las 48
> horas de cobertura, y transmitir, secuenciar o publicar información
> acerca del Muro, el Apartheid Israelí y la resistencia Palestina al
> Movimiento Global BDS.
> Es fácil participar:
> 1.     Elije un período de tiempo durante las 48 horas del Maratón de
> medios  (12 de noviembre 0:00h – 13 noviembre 23:59h), durante el cual
> puedes ofrecer cobertura del Muro, el Apartheid Israelí, la
> resistencia Palestina y/o solidaridad global.
> 2.     Avísale a la campaña Popular Palestina contra el Muro de
> Apartheid (Stop the Wall), que participarás en el Maratón de Medios
> para que te podamos poner en contacto con otros medios participantes e
> insértate en la programación de las 48 horas que se publicará en un
> sitio Web especial.  Contacto: gemma@...
> 3.      Crea tu programa. Usa los recursos disponibles en tu
> comunidad. Hay mucha información y materiales que puedes usar. Ponte
> en contacto con Contact Stop the Wall  (gemma@...) si
> necesitas apoyo, información o material.
> Este maratón será el primero de su estilo. La campaña Popular contra
> el Muro de Apartheid pide a periodistas y estaciones de medios
> alrededor del mundo a tomar esta oportunidad y dar cobertura a estos
> eventos durante los días 12 y 13 de noviembre, conforme siguen la ruta
> del sol. Ha llegado el momento de mostrar que no puede haber paz sin
> darle fin a la ocupación y la represión. Más información sobre la
> Semana en Contra del Muro de Apartheid se encuentre en el sitio:
> http://stopthewall.org/latestnews/2361.shtml
> Para mas información en los eventos de tu país, por favor checa el
> sitio Web del Maratón de medios.
> Contactos:
> Stop the Wall: gemma@...
> Ciranda (Hilde and Soraya): bds@...
> Redes y grupos participantes: Stop the Wall
> Ciranda
> Foro Social de Radios
> Altermundo
> E-Joussour
> Caros Amigos
> On 17 October 2010 13:58,  <rita@...> wrote:
>> Dear all
>> This is the first draft of the call for a BDS marathon wrote by Stop the
>> Wall. The text is open to sugestions and media subscriptions
>> Please, help us to finalize it
>> []s
>> Rita
>> Join the Anti-Apartheid Media Marathon to help put a stop to illegal
>> practices of the Occupation
>> To mark this year?s Week against the Apartheid Wall from 9 - 16
>> November, Palestinian and international activists will again mobilize
>> in the streets and organize a series of events across the globe. This
>> mobilization on the ground will be  complemented by a fast paced 48
>> hour media marathon on 12 and 13 November. We call on media to join 48
>> hours non-stop coverage!
>> On the days of the Week against the Apartheid Wall there will be a
>> calendar of international events, where participants will come
>> together to demand an end to the Apartheid Wall and to Israeli
>> impunity, through film screenings, demonstrations, photo exhibits,
>> conferences and debates. .. In Asia, North and South America and
>> Europe people will come together to target the apartheid policies and
>> practices of the Occupation, and the Governments and international
>> businesses which are complicit in the construction of the illegal Wall
>> and the settlements. The Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions campaign
>> is crucial in telling the world that Israel and the companies and
>> Governments which support it should no longer be allowed to profit
>> from the continuing attack on the basic rights of Palestinians.
>> Israel and the international community have failed to meet their
>> obligations to end the construction of the Wall and its associated
>> regime six years on from the ICJ Advisory Opinion which found these
>> practices to be illegal.  As another round of peace talks will not
>> bring any justice to the Palestinian people, it is more important now
>> than ever to mobilize communities around the world to bring an end to
>> the injustices of the Occupation.
>> Stop the Wall Campaign, in cooperation with Ciranda, Foro Social de
>> Radios, WSFTV, shared communication initiatives and alternative media,
>> has launched this media marathon to engage international media
>> activists in raising awareness of the Wall and its effects. Several
>> media networks, such as the ones listed below, have already joined in.
>> We call on media to join 48 hours non-stop coverage by broadcasting,
>> airing, streaming or publishing information about the Wall, Israeli
>> Apartheid and Palestinian resistance and global BDS movement.
>> Participating is easy:
>>  1. Choose a time span during the 48 hours of the media marathon
>> (12th of November 0:00h ? 13th of November 23:59h), during which you
>> will offer coverage about the Wall, Israeli Apartheid and Palestinian
>> resistance and global solidarity.
>>  2. Let Stop the Wall know that you are participating in the Media
>> Marathon so that we can get you in contact with other participating
>> media and can insert you in the 48 hours programming to be published a
>> special website. Contact: gemma@...
>>  3. Create your programming. Draw upon the resources in your
>> community. There is much information and media material already out
>> there. Contact Stop the Wall at gemma@... if you need
>> support, information or material.
>> This media marathon is the first of its kind. Stop the Wall Campaign
>> calls on journalists and media stations across the world to take the
>> opportunity to cover these major events over 12 and 13 November as
>> they follow the route of the sun. The time is now to show that there
>> can be no peace without an end to repression and occupation.
>> More information on the Week Against the Apartheid Wall can be found
>> here: http://stopthewall.org/latestnews/2361.shtml
>> For more information on the events being held in your country, please
>> check the website on the media marathon: [website address]
>> Contacts:
>> Stop the Wall: gemma@...
>> Ciranda (Hilde and Soraya): bds@...
>> Participating networks and groups/being contacted:
>> Stop the Wall
>> Ciranda
>> Foro Social de Radios
>> Altermundo
>> E-Joussour
>> Caros Amigos
>> Alai
>> Minga
>> etc...
>> Citando chris williams <will0447@...>:
>>> Hello everyone
>>> Below is Thursday’s encouragement from Rita, and thinking for the
>>> Ramallah/
>>> Adelaide connection.
>>> in solidarity
>>> chris
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> WEF- Palestine Alternative Media conversation: 14 Oct 2010
>>>  [8:01:14 AM] Rita Freire: Hi Chris
>>> [8:09:11 AM] Rita Freire: Hi Chris, can we talk by writing? I don't  have
>>> micro
>>> here
>>> [8:10:39 AM] Chris Williams: Hi Rita Yes, is OK?
>>> [8:11:15 AM] Rita Freire: Ok,
>>> [8:11:51 AM] Rita Freire: Are you organizing an activity for Palestine or
>>> a
>>> remote one?
>>> [8:12:22 AM] Chris Williams: I was speaking to Intesar in Ramallah,  but
>>> she is
>>> gone now ... to sleep
>>> [8:12:48 AM] Chris Williams: Yes, a remote activity
>>> [8:13:13 AM] Rita Freire: Did you find a solution for connection?
>>> [8:14:00 AM] Chris Williams: Yes.  We will Skype with TCC. Possibly stream
>>> with ustream or Mallory
>>> [8:14:34 AM] Rita Freire: Ok, great!
>>> [8:15:04 AM] Chris Williams: I spoke to Pierre 2 hours ago
>>> [8:16:43 AM] Rita Freire: Chris, have you any contact with an alternative
>>> media in Adelaide, wich could join us covering the activity? Exchanging
>>> contents? Something like this?
>>> [8:18:29 AM] Chris Williams: Not alternative.  I can find alterative media
>>> in
>>> Australia.  But, also, our University can do 'independent' media ...
>>> alternative?
>>> [8:18:48 AM] Rita Freire: Yes
>>> [8:19:24 AM] Rita Freire: covering and exchanging
>>> [8:19:29 AM] Chris Williams: We have many campuses, and regularly connect
>>> between using internet
>>> [8:21:06 AM] Rita Freire: You could check who could coordinate with us.
>>> For
>>> now and for after, covering the WSF process
>>> [8:22:13 AM] Chris Williams: Yes, I will do that.  I will start with
>>> alternative media, then look at campus media.  OK?
>>> [8:23:52 AM] Rita Freire: Ok. And people wanting to be part on the  BDS
>>> campagn
>>> are wellcome
>>> [8:25:42 AM] Chris Williams: We have EAPPI on campus.  Also, Bek is  in
>>> Yanoun,
>>> West Bank until 19 October.  Yanoun has 120 people, near Ramallah
>>> [8:26:00 AM] Rita Freire: Interesting
>>> [8:28:12 AM] Chris Williams: Bek says a new EAPPI team is being prepared
>>> in
>>> Jerusalem, and will relieve her after 19th.  I am trying to get  details
>>> of the
>>> new team.  Bek is a BDS organiser for National Churches of Australia
>>> [8:28:57 AM] Rita Freire: Only good news...
>>> [8:29:24 AM] Chris Williams: ... that's all I have.
>>> [8:30:45 AM] Rita Freire: Tell us what "name" of media initiative we can
>>> list
>>> for media maraton on BDS, and what weblink
>>> [8:32:02 AM] Rita Freire: You define what you understand by activist media
>>> -
>>> if one or more websites
>>> [8:32:13 AM] Chris Williams: ‘Connecting across the gap/s’?
>>> [8:32:20 AM] Rita Freire: And let us know
>>> [8:33:24 AM] Chris Williams: I will search, and think, and let you  know
>>> what I
>>> learn
>>> [8:33:53 AM] Rita Freire: I am not asking what you think, it is not an
>>> interrogatory
>>> [8:34:40 AM] Chris Williams: oops.  OK.  Activist media across many sites?
>>> [8:35:26 AM] Rita Freire: Just the media's name to include with our media
>>> [8:36:04 AM] Chris Williams: OK.  Not now, but soon
>>> [8:36:40 AM] Rita Freire: The page's of eventual coverage
>>> [8:37:10 AM] Rita Freire: Ok, when you can
>>> [8:37:31 AM] Rita Freire: It will be great to be connected with Adelaide
>>> initiatives
>>> [8:38:15 AM] Rita Freire: And thank you for calling.
>>> [8:38:36 AM] Rita Freire: I have a meeting now, in few minutes
>>> [8:39:13 AM] Chris Williams: It is great for Adelaide to finally join WSF
>>> activities, after Melbourne, Nairobi 2008, Osaka 2010, Istanbul 2010.
>>> [8:39:56 AM] Rita Freire: Yes, I mean between communication initiatives
>>> [8:41:53 AM] Rita Freire: And about these Forums you list, We really  need
>>> more
>>> records from them. We have a lot of possibilities to exchange
>>> [8:42:17 AM] Rita Freire: What time is it in Adelaide?
>>> [8:43:55 AM] Chris Williams: I understand the history project, and will
>>> forward Skype record to fsm. 8:40am, ready for Thursday work.  I think Sao
>>> Paolo is after 7pm ... yesterday
>>> [8:45:23 AM] Rita Freire: Yes,  my meeting is about to start. People are
>>> arriving. Have a nice day.
>>> [8:45:30 AM] Rita Freire: See you!
>>> [8:46:00 AM] Chris Williams: And you! In solidarity, as always
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> On Oct 12, 2010 01:58 PM, rita@... wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Dear friends
>>>> >
>>>> > Towards the WEF Palestine, we are in coordination with Stop the Wall
>>>> > for an initiative of shared mediatic maraton on BDS campagn (booked
>>>> > for november). Stop the Wall are drafting the call. We are just
>>>> > starting contacts with activist media like Altermondo, Ejoussour,
>>>> > Alai/Minga, Caros Amigos and others. And wsftv is already onboard for
>>>> > videos.
>>>> > Let's  Com Com participants to build this action together?
>>>> >
>>>> > For the WEF, we can take part in a workshop on this issue. Let's go to
>>>> > talk?
>>>> > An add question:
>>>> >
>>>> > How Com Com projects should to work together for the WEF comunication
>>>> > tools and initiatives?
>>>> >
>>>> > Rita
>>> --
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