• Communication commission discussion

Re: [Wsfic_fsmci] Fwd: Chico Whitaker's text on the WSF future

from Roberto SAVIO on Jan 25, 2012 12:33 AM
Dear Chico,
  I am distributing your contribution to my 
15.000 users in Othernews. If you can provide the 
text in Spanish, I will circulate to Spanish readers.
You will recall that Othernews come out of the 
International Council in Paris as an instrument 
of information over global issues. Unfortunately, 
the user profile shows that only 17% of the 
original recipients are still reading it. But is 
has grown dramatically outside the WSF.
I am glad that you realize that communications is 
a very Central issue. Certainly, that perception 
so  far is not linked to bring concrete action. I 
felt becoming a kind of Cassandra, and no longer 
useful...I hope that I was wrong...roberto

At 08:19 AM 1/24/2012, WSFIC_FSMCI wrote:
>I am sending you a text I have just written 
>about the WSF future, indignados, etc. that I 
>hope will interest you. In English and in Portuguese.
>All the best, Chico Whitaker
>Estou lhe mandando um texto que acabo de 
>escrever, sobre o futuro do FSM, indignados, 
>etc, que espero possa lhe interessar. Em português e inglês.
>Meu abraço, Chico Whitaker
>Content-Type: application/msword;
>         name="Novas perpectivas para o processo FSM 23012012.rtf"
>Content-Disposition: attachment;
>         filename="Novas perpectivas para o processo FSM 23012012.rtf"
>X-Attachment-Id: 1ab3afbbbc45fdd7_0.1
>Content-Type: application/msword; name="New pespectivas in WSF process.rtf"
>Content-Disposition: attachment;
>         filename="New pespectivas in WSF process.rtf"
>X-Attachment-Id: 1ab3afbbbc45fdd7_0.2
>Wsfic_fsmci mailing list

Roberto Savio / utopie@... / www.robertosavio.info  

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