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  • event zambia 2012

last modified August 31, 2012 by pierre

event list

Announcingof  7th Edition of the   ZambiaNational Social Forum..

Dear All

On behalf of theZambia Social Forum ZAMSOF Organizing Committee and ZAMSOF Secretariat, ZambiaCouncil for Social development hereby announces the 2012 Zambia National SocialForum.

About the National Social Forum

 Zambia Social Forum is not an organization, butan open meeting place (Insaka or Indaba) for reflective thinking, democraticdebate of ideas, formulation of proposals, and free exchange of experiences andinter-linking for effective action, by groups, Communities and movements ofcivil society organizations in Zambia. The nationalSocial Forum is a people’s platform that brings together people to come and shareexperiences, map out strategies and build solidarity around common challenges.This year’s forum is being organized under theme “GenderBased Violence, Child rights and Abuses”. As a prelude tothe Southern Africa Social forum (SASF), African Social Forum (ASF) and WorldSocial Forum (WSF) that takes place annually and bi-annually respectively.

In Zambia, the national Social Forum concept began in 2003 after AddisAbaba hosted the Second edition of the African Social Forum followed by the formationof sub regional foci i.e. Southern African Social forum (SASF), West AfricaSocial Forum, East Africa Social Forum. Since 2003, Zambia Social forum (ZAMSOF)has been successfully organized annually as National Social Forums (ZNSF) in townsand communities of Lusaka, Choma, Kapiri Mposhi and Chipata.  


ZambiaNational Social Forum is expected to bring together hundreds of participants tointeract from community-based groups, social movements and civil societyorganizations from within Chibombo and across other districts and provinces ofZambia, under the theme “Gender BasedViolence, Child rights and Abuses”.


The Zambia National Social Forum edition will have plenaries,roundtables and self organized sessions under the following broad themes:

 Food Sovereignty and Land rights

 Media Artsand Culture

o  Education rights

 Gender and Women’s Rights

 Debt, Trade and Economic Justice

 HIV/AIDS/Health Issues

o  Youthand Labour

 Climatechange and Extractive Industries

Theexpected outcomes:

o  Peoplein Chibombo will become aware of the new Act called Anti Gender Based Violenceand hence will be able to report cases of violence to the police

o  Incidentsof child abuse and gender based violence reduced in the district

o  Informationsharing and knowledge on matters of concern.

o  Productionof a report in line with the theme to be presented at the Southern AfricaSocial Forum in DRC and World Forum in Tunisia.

o   Increased advocacy and lobbying on the issuesthat will be raised so that they are addressed by the relevant authorities.

In solidarity with the ordinary peopleof Chibombo, the Zambia National Social Forum will pay particular attention tothe impact of gender based violence and all forms of human abuses such assexual reproductive health issues and labour. Issues of trade and provision ofthe essential social service deliveries will be tackled too.

Participation and Contribution

Participation is open to all ordinary citizens of Zambiaacross nations: groups, organizationsand individuals. Organizationsmust register their activities and are expected to mobilize and support thepresence of their representatives at the National Social Forum in Chibombo. Organizersof events must submit a theme,  durationand names of the facilitators of their events.

Dates and Venue

The Seventh edition of the Zambia NationalSocial will be held on the Friday 28th September  2012 in Chibombo District at the venue to becommunicated later.

InformationPackage as attachments

Information packageincludes: Open Invitation letter, Draft programme, Registration forms and forumBulletin as attachments.

For more information contact:   

ZAMSOF Coordinator Gershom Kabaso

zamsof at

  Tel: + 260 211 23 62 19     Cell : +260 977 46 72  86   +260 975 77 56 72