• isfbaghdad-enlarged-on-internet-what

Wiki modificadas recientemente September 27, 2013 por admin

 Iraqi Social Forum Event Enlarged on Internet 26 28 sept 2013 

this page tells which 20 activities will be acessible on internet :  all hours are baghdad hours  GMT+3

     SEE How to connect to th livestream + chat        

  (ALL HOURS ARE UTC/GMT+3  - check the streaming windows on http://iraqsf.org/)

 skype : contact skype isf.extensionteam 

  • from sept26th  program : see video and transcriptions in   isf video26
    • 9.00-12.00 
    • 16.00 - 18.00 opening AR+EN  - concert -  opening speeches  -  walk in the park
  • from   sept27th program : see videos and transcriptions in   isfvideo27
    • 9.00 
      • A1   AR+EN   - The People of Iraq - Campaign to Save Tigris - Water Crisis between Iraq and - Neighboring Countries: The - Ilisu dam, Exploring Legal - Strategies in Iraq and - Elsewhere - 1
      • A4  AR+EN   -  Iraq Civil society Solidarity - Initiative - Global campaigns for peace - and nonviolence- Symposium - 9
      • A8 AR - General Federation of - Trade Unions- Iraq - The Project of the New Law of - Labor- Symposium - 5
    • 11.00
      • A1  AR+EN  - A1 - Women In Iraq Reality- - Symposium - 1
      • A4 AR+EN - The Defense of Journalism - Freedoms Association - Minorities In Iraq- Rights & - Reality- Symposium - 4
      • A3  AR -- Italian Association for - Against violence Sport - Introducing (Baghdad - Marathon) Project- - Symposium - 8
    • 13.00 
      • A10  AR+EN - Plenary A10 - Preparatory Committee - 02.00pm - 9 –
      • A6 AR+EN - Iraqi Minorities Council A6 - Youth and Their Role in - Change- Symposium - 4
      • A8  AR -- Towers of Humanity - Foundation for - Development - 1 Symposium
  • from  sept28th program :  see videos and transcriptions in  isfvideo28 
    • 9.00
      • A1 AR+EN  - National Association to - Defend Human Rights - Privatization and Fair - Distribution of Wealth- - Symposium - 1
      • A4 AR+EN   - Engineering Professions - Syndicate - State Attitude towards unions’ - activity in Iraq after 2003 - 4
      • A6 AR - Democratic Youth - Federation - Iraqi Youth Reality - Symposium - 6
    • 11.00 
      • A9 AR+EN -  Social Media Iraqi Network A9 - Employment social Networks - in Civil Activity- Workshop - 5
      • A6 AR+EN  - 6 Civil peace- Symposium Justice & Peace Org. A6 –
      • A7 AR - A7 - Ur Association of - Solidarity with the of the - Assyrian Chaldean Syriac - people - Peaceful coexistence between - religions and nationalities in - Iraq- Workshop - 7
    • 13.00 
      • A1 AR+EN   - A1 - Youth Congress - Association Youth Congress Association- - Symposium - 6
      • A10 AR+EN - 7 Plenary Preparatory Committee A10 -
      •  A1 AR - A1 - Youth Congress - Association Youth Congress Association- - Symposium - 6
    • 14.30  closing  AR+EN


  • ISF is a continuous process, after ISF event : TO BE IN LINK WITH ISF EXTENSION TEAM  and get  informed about follow-ups of ISF or get in contact with some  ISF participants after ISFLEAVE as of now YOUR CONTACTS HERE 

 Some televisit of isf  (live or recorded) could also be available

 The 10 rooms A1 to A10  hosting activities are visible on this map , and open space on the lower right  is hosting  open activities
