• Iraq Social Forum

Greetings from Iraq

de parte de Iraqi social forum en 02/07/2015 12:18
Dear friends and colleagues
Greetings from Iraq
As our country witnesses the longest series of violence events, resulted in
hundreds of innocent Iraqi causalities, who had no guilt, other than being
Iraqis who had out up with long years of dictatorship and mtilitary coups;
then other years of occupation ant its outcomes of corruption and quota
system; hence, the Iraqi civil movements had to rise up to it's
responsibility, trying to improve our reality.
We the ISF were a part of that wide civil movement in Iraq, and we
organized the first session of the ISF in Sept 2013. Today, as I write to
you this e mail, the ISF secretariat is doing its best to prepare the
second session of the ISF that will be held on the 01st- 03rd Oct 2015 in
Baghdad. We have the ambition to organize parallel activities in other
Despite all the difficulties, we called for volunteering in helping with
organizing the second session.  We were amazed with the size of the
response we got for volunteering. During the first week, we had 100 Young
men and women volunteering for the second session, and some of them, to our
greatest pleasure, we form all over the country and some neighboring Arabic
countries as well.  We've also called for all the Iraqi civil movements to
register their activities with in the second session program.
One of the most important event that we are trying to organize will be the
Baghdad Marathon, which we are planning to make it synchronized with the
ISF and will be on the 2nd Oct 2015 in Baghdad's streets.
You have generously provided us with your solidarity and support; for that
we are in deep gratitude.. Thank you and we are looking forward to hear
from you
Kind Regards

Ali Saheb
Iraqi Social Forum Coordinator
skype: ali_ros87

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