• sasfbd website activity form suggestions distance encounter V2

Wiki modificadas recientemente September 10, 2011 por facilitfsm



DhakaSASF  event/activity     distance encounter SASF event/activty     local SASF event/activity      indiv/ organisations



 " Distance encounter activity"   registration  form  ( live video chat between two or more groups)


 see example of osaka

As per a follow up of conversations  and using the test form in the website  http://www.wsfsouthasiabd.org/registration/event-registration-form-test-

here are below 3 html forms  referring to the 5 cases here  http://openfsm.net/projects/sasf-bangladesh-extended/sasfbd-extension-participation

In blue are modification of existing items

and in red are additions of items

Overal  suggestion : put  "event/activity" instead of just "event" in order to prmote the use of the word "activity" inside a social forum event, which is the standard word used  in social forum process otherwise SASF event will be made of events  and this is  a bit confusing


Event/Activity Registration Form for extended activity : case  4  Distance encounter in between a local place and SASF Dhaka venue


 this is a one shot form ( send and forget..) -which implies it is  kept simple, -

it would be good to understand the whole picture - since eventually people will be given access to edit a page about their activity in the website

earlier proposals have been made thinking of a form that was editable several times by the proponents -

[ The asteric (*) fields are compulsory and the form will not be accepted if any of these is not provided.]


proposing the live distance encounter session

where will be the "live video with Dhaka session" held  out of Dhaka : give  location and  adress if possible

give  your  local UTC time   (   )  karachi  UTC (london) :+5h  (  )  delhi UTC + 5h30 (   )   dhaka utc +6h  (  ) other  UTC : 

Email 2

Email 3

will you have delegates present in sasf dhaka in november ?

who will be your counterpart  in dhaka for the Distance encounter live video session  - organisation /  - give contact email    

your local co organziers  ( organisations and persons ) 

Are you publicily agreeing with social forum charter of principles  (link )   Yes - no 

Title of the distance encounter event /activity


You can Give here a url adress where to find more information about your activity and /or  interaction with you around the preparation of this activity ( note that you can create freely an on line space around your activity in a wsf provided website  "www.openfsm.net" ) : 

which language will be used for communication  with Dhaka ?

- idea is that  distance encounter event are not paying  - or voluntary paying
SASF OC is preparing a space inside dhaka venue to host live video sessions trying to accomodate schedule with 

Date of distance encounter  *

Distance encounter local  proposed starting time  ( expressed in local time  (      )  and express it  in dhaka time which  UTC+6hrs ( - )            

Distance encounter duration ( one hour minimum)


Logistics Requirementssasf oc extension team will try to provide the  room and equipement for live session in Dhaka  , if you delegate/counterpart can bring equipment (laptop, video projector )they are welcome!

 Do you intend to enlarge the video session on line ( live video + chatroom ) from your city ?  maybe ( if yes or maybe  extension team will come backl to you  )

 voluntary fee payment option on line