• Sfex Intercom 2013 Discussion

  • SFEX= Social forum expanded - invitation to participate in the group

    from pierre on Sep 29, 2009 11:48 PM
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    Hello !
    Through contacts, you have been interested to be part of that trans-event
    focus group for 2010 , for exchanging experience about expansion of a social
    forum event
    This idea is based on the experience of Belem expanded
    So,  you are invited to give update before Montreal international council
    meeting about if and how your committee is considering the possible
    "expansion" of its event at this stage … or give some  ideas about expansion
    , . and this will help start the discussion ball rolling
    Just answer this mail  and give some elements  of info ....
    welcome in SFEX group !
    with Greeting from
    Martina and Pierre, helped by Mallory have been active in the belem expanded
    preparation team and managed to have a 30 expanded activities program and a
    30 video chat planning in belem
    And we felt that this experience could be generalized as a notion of social
    forum expanded , That is why the group is called SFEX  social forum expanded
     (see the various input on Cuzco, Porto Alegre, Montreal, Istanbul Paris etc
    in the this page , there is event a lexico
    In the group mailing list have come the following people for the following
    events scheduled in 2010 chronologically
    Louis philippe and Fatima are here for Montréal 2009 - they expressed
    interest , but did not concretize it partly due to lack of time in the last
    month of forum build up
    This is a general truth : to make a successful expansion :  anticipate !
    people do not grasp the idea so easliy
    Jefferson, Everton, Florismar for PortoAlegre 2010  Florismar has experience
    from belem expanded and has developed some activities on line in the
    university of periphery -
    An expanded version of a methodology r frame was circulated was sent by
    Pierre late july
    no written reaction coming from Brazil so far
    Katu and Aldo for Cuzco 2010 - civilization crisis . An expanded version of
    their methodology frame had started to circulate,- and we had explored the
    idea of hiring internet by cell phone for a few days . However the
    perspective for this forum looks now less certain
    Dan Baron is a contact for the forum /congress on art and culture in belem
    Mallory for Detroit 2010 . Mallory has experience of belem expanded and is
    preparing a video chat between Montreal and Detroit nex october 9th on
    occasion of forum social quebecois . Mallory is involved in the mobilization
    and technical groups of USSF Detroit committee and is promoting the notion
    of expansion which could change the face of mobilization process
     She is also developing cooperative workshops based on an online software
    and not of video chat
    Eyup for instanbul ,is ambassador of expansion in Istanbul – and was
    the concept of expansion to the euroepan preparatory assembly taking place
    in diyarbarkir last weekend ( feedback welcome !
    Jenny and Salvador are here for mexico 2010 . which was a prominent actor of
    belem expanded, and are counting on the dynamics of the process in mexico
    Contacts are being made for BanglaDesh, and Morroco
    Martina is having contacts in the middle east region
    for Paris potential forum  Jean Guy and Jean Michel for Paris 2010 have
    experience in belem expanded
    Abdourahamane from Nyamey 2010 – Abdourahamane had a first very positive
    experience with a link Nyamey – Rennes in 2009 articulated with a radio in
    Nyamey -
    We might ask for community radio people to get in this group too
    Abdourahamane Amadou Demba from Dakar 2011 : Amadou has organized a three
    hours video chat between Louga and Belem last January
    Amadou and Dembar were going to meet Dakar last 26th September to get
    involved in the organizing process of Dakar
    Thread Outline:
  • RE: information for SFEX

    from danbaronmst on Sep 30, 2009 07:08 PM
    Hi Pierre and everyone involved in SFEX
    A brief word to update you on the progress towards the Forum of Culture and Education for Transformation, Belem, July 24-26, 2010. 
    We have just completed a preparatory Forum for Cultural Solidarity in the region of Carajas, southern Para, Brazil, based in nine peripherary communities in the cities of Maraba, Eldorado dos Carajas and Parauapebas. The Forum was co-organised by 6 'Points of Culture', MST, FETAGRI, more than 24 cultural organizations, ABRA (the Brazilian Network of Arteducators), the Forum for Cultural Solidarity in Peru, and IDEA (the International Drama Education Association). Between 22-26 September, some 60 self-organized roundtables, training workshops and presentations were attended by 9000 people, made up mostly of community participants, teachers, cultural activists and community artists.
    We have also just completed a three-day seminar for 60 socio-cultural activists working in the interface between social transformation and arts education in the city of Sao Paulo, co-organised by community orgnizations, social movements and NGOs based in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Bolivia, and hosted by the 'Pontao de Cultura', Polis. Our discussions focussed on issues ranging from solidarity economics, environmental preservation, cultural education for transformation and the building of sustainable communities.
    A five-day Ibero-Latin American Forum on Culture and Social Transformation is now about to begin, in the sprawling city of Tiradentes on the peripherary of Sao Paulo, co-organised by cultural organizations and social movements from the region, in collaboration with cultural networks from 11 countries within Latin and Central America. We will bring an update of this process and its various outcomes to Quebec.
    Finally, ABRA (the Brazilian Network of Arteducators) is launching a 5-day forum on Cultural Diversity and Arts for Transformation in Salvador, Bahia, tomorrow, in collaboration with cultural networks from Peru and Cuba, and Points of Culture from Bahia, Para and Minas Gerais. This second national Forum includes self-organised training workshops for activists, public school teachers, young people, children and their communities, and will dedicate its final two days to the July 2010 World Forum on Culture and Edsucation for Transformation. We will bring news and outcomes of this process too, to Montreal.
    In solidarity
    Dan Baron
    IDEA and the World Alliance for Arts Education