• ZambiaandWSF act409 10th Zamsof Online Accompaniment

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On line accompaniement of Zambia social forum 10th edition  
November 24 -25 act409 in Dynex1WSF 

WHO IS CONVENING  : zamsof facilitating committee With the placing of this  online accompaniment activity in Dynex1 WSF extension dynamics,  Organisations  forming this committee confirm they consider themselves  to be participating instance in the world social forum process, as both described in the  Charter of principles of world social forum   


WHAT    1Oth édition  of Zambia social forum 

WHEN WHERE    november 24 25 Chongwe District zambia   https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/zambia


HOW IS REMOTE PARTICIPATION INCLUDED?   To participate  as  remote participants through chat room + photos notes and live video in interaction with local correspondents  Charles and Demiris          

  • follow the link on your cell phone to get in whatsapp 409 accompaniement room  https://chat.whatsapp.com/1NWa8b3rifUA0t8t8Brdqp  there you will be welcomed and informed  by correspondents with photos , live video , live notes and you can send them written and  audio inputs through whatsapp, that they can convey in the discussions during zambia social forum

  • live video  was not possible for lack of connectivity 


By Stewart Luunga,

Non-government organisations (NGOs), Civil society organisations, community members, the media, the government and other stakeholders gathered in Chongwe district to support the successful hosting of the 2017 Zambia Social Forum organised by Zambia Social Forum (ZAMSOF) in conjuction with Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR).

 The forum which was held for two days; 24th and  25th November attracted a size-able crowd that was essential for the discussion at hand and reflection on the theme: "Another Zambia is Possible".

Meanwhile, ZAMSOF coordinator and Social worker, Gershom Kabaso says they are working directly with councillors, churches and civic leaders to improve participation next time.

"This forum is important and beneficial to children as it empowers them and amplifies the voices of those who are inaudible so that they may get support in every area of life", says Mr. Kabaso.

The forum did not leave anyone behind as it included the differently abled people, the children in the media and musicians. Messages on early marriages, child labour and abuse, gender based violence, the aged and the disabled were conveyed using different modes of communication and that bought the interest of the native community members.

There is need to recognise and promote such kinds of initiatives to ensure that we enhance the country at every level of society.

Happy 16 Days of Gender Activism!


10th edition of ZAMBIA SOCIAL FORUM 




Dates:  November 24, 25 , 2017

 Theme” Another Zambia Is Possible! Let the Voiceless Speak For themselves”  

Venue: Chongwe Basic School, Chongwe District  



Free Eye Screening & Eye Care Health Education

Free HIV/AIDs  Test and Treat

ü           Free Sugar, BP testing, First Aid Services

Exhibitions and Open Market for

Hand Crafts, African Food Fair

Arts and Music Performing.  



First Session

08:00hrs –








Second Session

 Saturday 25th



Football Netball




  • Registration / Social March : Chongwe Shows Grounds to Chongwe Basic School led by Brass Band /Cultural  

  • National Anthem :  Brass Band Welcome Remarks - ZAMS0F

  • Background for Zambia Social Forum -(ZAMSOF:  

  • Entertainments:  CHRISAKA, Jahluther & Friends Arts in Business / Puppetry and Poet/ Harri B / Sims Jimmy/etc.

  • Solidarity Message from Present Partners. / from Social Guests, People from other districts, provinces

·        Key Note Solidarity Message Around Main Theme of the Zambia National Social Forum- GUEST  - TBA


Theme” Another Zambia Is Possible! Let the Voiceless Speak For themselves”  



10:35 –13:00hrs

Exhibitions  Self-Organised  and Ma Sessions Organic  Group Thematic Discussions, plenaries, Roundtables dialogues 



Youth Debates on SDGs  Development Agenda-How young people /Gender can be effectively engaged in the sustainable development

Process at all levels.

Land Policy


Climate change   Environment, 

Food Security


What Are We Concerned About?

Proposed Solutions!

Inequality and Poverty

In Relation to

SDGs .IPOA etc


What Are We Concerned About?

Proposed Solutions

Cross-border Investment & Trade





What Are We Concerned About?

Proposed Solutions

Disability Platform

User friendly infrastructures



Community based rehabilitation skills and Eye Care

Health Education

Gender &  Women rights

Land Grabs

(Disability )


What Are We Concerned About?

Proposed Solutions







What Are We Concerned About?

Proposed Solutions


Test /Treat - future Health Financing



What Are We Concerned About?

Proposed Solutions


Third Session                                   13:00-14:00hrs                            LUNCH BREAK  

14:30 -15:00hrs                              Feedback from thematic clusters and Closing Session


2017  Communiqué by Assemblies of Convergences to enhances dignity, Justice and Rights in various thematic areas of discussions and sharing   

NB: Note that presentations will be done in different formats eg, videos, posters, exhibitions, Arts and Mural performing etc. We encourage all presenters to ensure that the presentations are made very simple because we are targeting the grassroots, who are affected by lack of formal education. 


Broader Picture of the Suggested topics for discussions during the National Social Forum

Economic recovery development plan


Interpret inflation rate, GDP etc. borrowing from IMF, how it affects the poor, how it is calculated, why it is important. What are the indicators for development? How can we know that the economy is improving?  taking real life experiences- suggest way forward

The Interpretation of 2017  budget

How does it affect the people; poverty? How will it reach the poor in rural and urban, what are the important elements of the budget, where is it lacking and why, where is strong and why? Social sector allocations – suggest way forward

Investment and employment

Types of investment, how investment affects the environment, communities and workforce. How is Zambia benefit and losing from foreign investment? Employment etc. – suggest solutions

Trade Cross-Border Trading  and Investment


What are the benefits and challenges, how are traders affected by regional trade arrangements (free trade areas), taxes, how can we do it better? Immigration rules - suggest solutions

Gender- Is it a fight between a woman and man?? Where are we in terms of 2008 SADC Gender Protocol on declaration of 50/50 gender agenda?

What is gender, why women are the main topic, how can we effectively communicate gender issues among different classes of people, GBV, economic empowerment, education? - Suggest solutions

Where is the Zambian Youth and employment

What are the main challenges facing the Zambian youth, who is a youth, what are the problems cause by the youth themselves, youth in the economy, culture, political discourse? - suggest solutions

HIV/ AIDS/Health Treatment social schemes

Country status, new challenges, strides, successes - suggest solutions

Our governance system and politics

What is the crisis, where are we going wrong? What are we doing right? How do we want it to be? What are our expectations from MPs, President, what are their responsibilities?- suggest solutions

One Zambia One Nation slogan

The meaning of belonging to the country Vs belonging to a particular tribe, province etc. What is our understanding about the Barotse Agreement? Is it necessary? What would it mean? What did KK and his comrades mean by One Zambia One Nation slogan?- suggest solutions

Governance and Inclusive Citizen Participation Human Rights-access to justice and the rule of law.

What is the meaning of governance? Corruption? human rights, the constitution? Access to justice? What are the roots causes?  not working?  - interlinking suggest solutions?

Social Service Delivery eg Water and Sanitation

What are services, social protection for who, by who? Suggest possible solutions.

Religion and politics

How is the church affecting politics in Zambia? - suggest solutions

The role of the media in Social, economic politics and ecological.

Existing situations, Challenges, opportunities, effects on the people, - suggest solutions

Land Tenure and reforms, Our environment and climate change

The existing challenges in the promotion of pro –poor land policies and the protection, land tenure rights, who is land for? Challenges etc.

The rainy season is here, what about the floods; who is damaging our environment, to what extent have we contributed to the damage, what have we damaged, how do we fix the damage, what opportunities have come with this damage?  - suggest solutions