• wsf2012 OE spaces

last modified October 31, 2013 by facilitfsm

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OE space - Agora Public List

logofsm2010.jpg Usage of Organizing Event Spaces - OE Spaces

As part of IC support and facilitation effort, the scope of this working group is to contact past and upcoming wsf calendar event organizers and propose them to get involved in on line permanent spaces focused on event organizing : OE spaces  (see presentation at the bottom of page)

OE spaces  can host permanent decentralized exchange and cooperation between organizers,  and  they may play a role in the preparation of "forum of forums" in september 2012 in Galicia

Current list of themes  /OE spaces is the following , further to a general one called " Agora"

6 subjects on the dialogic process in the social forum event (concept - organizing organizing committee  - mobilization- activity -agglutination - final)

5 topics on the logistics necessary to dialogic process (extension, nterpretation, website, media, logistics)

Organizers accepting the invitation are included in the common event organizer Agora list  / and  choose  where they feel relevant to participate  , according to their experience , interests and challenges

There, on occasion of upcoming events mentionned in wsf calendar ,  and with stimulation from the group and commissions, they can permanently exchange about their organizing experience ,   in mailing lists   and through editing , and define between themselves  cooperation and cross mobilization for upcoming event  -  either in a direct or remote way