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  videos/notes Montreal ICvideo POA 2017POA 2017 meeting Agenda & documents


  Groups continued or defined in salvador   - Grupos  continuados o definidos  en Salvador - Groupes continués ou définis a Salvador    16/10/2017

CI Salvador 2017

 INICIATIVAS E AGORA group   transicionci iniciativas e agora fsm2018  the group will describe a concrete one page proposal (with annexes) describing a comprehensive methodological set with  inclusion of initiatives in the wsf2018website and organization of agora and relevant accompaniment before during and after wsf2018 event

Groups continued or defined in Porto alegre   - Grupos  continuados o definidos  en POA - Groupes continués ou définis a POA     21/01/2017

CI POA 2017 Agenda & documents

Consensus follow up points video 5 2h59mn  IC porto alegre 2017  

  • 1 about secretariat: it is in Maghreb with a support group who met in Marrakech, to keep seeing how this group will support the secretariat in this work
  • 2 about communication; there is a working group to be created to support the proposal made this this morning and see how IC communication will be organized with secretariat and a organize when and where it is possible with money a seminar on communication issues
  • 3 the paper that Pierre prepared this morning. It was decided he will take all the comment made, and will join the document worked by Francine Teivo Gina to feed more the document. And a request made in the corridors is to separate FR EN ES documents, so we are not lost,  and with a focus on recommendations. The recommendation made in the paper are interesting but inside the text we cannot see the functionality  
  • 4 Proposal of Mauri about the consensus formulation to see related to Bahia and Brazilian committee was approved to keep the Bahia committee at work
  • 5 About IC meting three are two not real proposal - south Africa they asked to express in aic byt not final and Mexico not definitive  south African and Mexico and If the brazilin agree if something will be In Salvador there will be an ic thre instared of holding soewe ese
  • 6  mobilization day there are two dates November December day of action who are decided in this period. There will be a little committee, and an text l with a work by a committee that will submit to IC and if approved  a launch will be made on our list 

    IC porto alegre 2017             

    • DEPLOY SECRETARIAT group   transicionci deploy secretariat - decided in montreal IC meeting august 2016 - support secretariat for current tasks - organize possible restart of commissions - propose conditions for inclusion of social forum organizing committees in ic -  - help on website design - prepare agenda of next ic meeting
    • COMMUNICATION group   transitionci communication   announced and welcomed in porto alegre IC meeting jan 2016 - decided in montreal IC meeting -  prepare seminar for communication strategy - cooperate with secretariat
    • DATES17-18 group   transicionci dates 2017 18   decided in porto alegre IC meeting jan 2017 -  provide an inviting text and frame for placing activities and initiatives worldwide in wsf dynamics around  cop wto davos dates towards salvador (see the 4 dates in the calendar) 
    • DINAMIQUE CI group    transicionci dynamics of ic  follow up of discussion held in porto alegre on 21st  continuation of discussion on ic dynamics articulatiing visions developped by gina teivo francine and vision developped by pierre  
    standby not discussed or mentionned in the meeting conclusions
    • AML-SMA PROPOSAL group   transicionci aml proposal sma - decided in montreal IC meeting august 2016 - assess idea of struggling movement assembly SMA and make a proposal in porto alegre IC meeting
    • PANORAMA TEXT  group   transicionci panorama text - decided in montreal IC meeting august 2016 - draft a texte about world situation overview and relevance of wsf process - is there a follow up
    • MEMORY DOCUMENTATION  memodoc group :  started in casablanca IC meeting dec 2013 - maintain communication and understanding between memory projects 
    • VERSION2 GUIDE GPOE  group   transicionci version2 guide pgoe - decided in montreal IC meeting august 2016 - propose a version2 of guiding principles for organizing SF events PGOE - submit it in porto alegre IC meeting 

    Groups defined in Montreal   - Grupos definidos  en Montreal - Groupes définis a MOntreal      15/08/2016

      IC montreal 2016  -  notes & videos  - reportgm - reportpb - report 
      • DEPLOY SECRETARIAT group   transicionci deploy secretariat - decided in montreal IC meeting august 2016 - support secretariat for current tasks - organize possible restart of commissions - propose conditions for inclusion of social forum organizing committees in ic - draft a proposal about polycentric secretariat and submit if in porto alegre IC meeting - help on website designe - prepare agenda of porto alegre meeting
      • AML-SMA PROPOSAL group   transicionci aml proposal sma - decided in montreal IC meeting august 2016 - assess idea of struggling movement assembly SMA and make a proposal in porto alegre IC meeting
      • PANORAMA TEXT  group   transicionci panorama text - decided in montreal IC meeting august 2016 - draft a texte about world situation overview and relevance of wsf process - submit it in porto alegre IC meeting
      • VERSION2 GUIDE GPOE  group   transicionci version2 guide pgoe - decided in montreal IC meeting august 2016 - propose a version2 of guiding principles for organizing SF events PGOE - submit it in porto alegre IC meeting 
      • COMMUNICATION group   transitionci communication   announced and welcomed in porto alegre IC meeting jan 2016 - decided in montreal IC meeting -  make proposal for communication strategy
      • MEMORY DOCUMENTATION  memodoc group :  started in casablanca IC meeting dec 2013 - maintain communication and understanding between memory projects 


       Groups defined in porto alegre 01/2016  - Grupos definidos  en porto alegre  - Groupes définis a porto alegre 

      IC porto alegre notes & video 
      •  RESTRUCTURATION  group    transitionci restructuration  Started in tunis 2015 IC  Composition salvador   Working group about defining transitional IC started in Tunios (03/15) with a reestructuration group inside it which has made inputs in salvador IC and porto alegre IC 
        started  and faded 
      • : EXPANSION group -  l  transitionci expansion  started in porto alegre IC meeting jan 2016  - invite new actors  as potentiel members /observers, such as  social forum organzing groups >>  not started    
      • :CONFIRMATION  group - letter wg  transitionci confirmation  : a WG to circulate the letter .... Leonardo - Chico Damien Pierre Uddhab Leo  not started    
      •  CANADA support group TransitionCI  transitionci canada  - decided in salvador IC and restarted in porto alegre IC meeting jan 2016- support wsf collective in preparation of wsf 2016  >>  done thorugh skype meetings + ic list + informal   
      • :EXTENSION group TransitionCI    transitionci extension    started in porto alegre IC meeting jan 2016 - propose methods for online participation and online meetings >>  not started    
