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Wiki modificadas recientemente June 6, 2017 por facilitfsm

extended-logo-composite-english.jpg Participate in WSF process from where you live and act for another possible world! legend-Daketflower.jpg 

The World Social Forum is an ongoing process defined by its charter of principles: Thousands of activities, meetings, discussions,initiatives for another possible world geared toward understanding and action organized by thousands of  civil society organizations  over the entire planet

Dozens of events forum organized according to guidelines defined by the International Council of the WSF  are held annually in differentcountries, forming the WSF calendar 

WSF Calendar 2017/18 -  Calendario FSM 2017/18 - Calendrier FSM 2017/18

A growing proportion of these events are "extended" , meaning they include activities that are not held into the central location of the eventor activities that are available to groups / individuals who are not in the central location of the event

In addition, thousands of organizations involved in this process may also intercommunicate outside a specific WSF event  to develop the contacts made at events or deliberate in networks


  wsf-extended activities placed in wsf extension




_______________________________________________________2015 and earlier_________________________________________

(invitation below)

logo-tunis2015.jpgtowards tunis 2015





Access to memory of wsf 2011 extended 


To have an Overview  (being updated)

   InfoSfex   Espace Sfex      Equipe Sfex     Structure Espace Sfex         Other WSF sites        TecnoInfo    Sfexperience   Invite around you     OpenFSM Info

To participate ( being updated)

Extended activity List  possibilities   ContactUs!     Welcome!   LetUsSkype    Preparing   YourDates   YourInvite Contribute     Prepare 

Rest of the world


  possibilities from home

  • legend-enlarged.0.jpg set up a collective remote participation to an activity held in aWSF event center and enlarged on internet
  • Legend-local.1.jpg Set up a local activity in your city
  • Legend-Encounter.0.jpgset up a distance encounter with a group in a WSF event center , may be with help  from  a person you know there,
  • legend-enlarged.0.jpgEnlarge your local activities on internet



from  a WSF calendar event


  • legend-enlarged.0.jpgEnlarge on internet your activity in dakar towards your networks worldwide
  • legend-enlarged.0.jpgEnlarge on internet an assembly  to your networks worldwide 
  • Legend-Encounter.0.jpgInvite people you meet in the forum to come in a room in a WSF event  and speak with your people at home

(see short invite texts version 1  & version 2)


Legend-local.1.jpg Face to face encounters in event location or elsewhere


Legend-local.1.jpg Activities in public space


Distance encounters with a group in  event central location Legend-Encounter.0.jpg



Distance participation to an activity held in  event central location legend-enlarged.0.jpg


In your city too… if you want it to happen !.

In connection with the invitations of the WSF International Council, the SFEX initiative team ( social forum extended) invites you to engage in the process that is one of the novelties of the WSF :stimulate groups largest possible number of countries, which account for most social groups and struggles -willing to
- intercommunicate-distance WSF electronically by radio or other means of distance communication,with other groups
-participate in the same channel in the calendar évènemetns WSF 2011-2013.

Organizers of WSF calendar event  put in place a scheme to allow individuals and groups that cannot come to the place of their event  to participate actively . With three possibilities : distance encounter with a group in Dakar, distance participation to an activity held in the event center, local activity out of  event center

Why participate in Extended WSF 

  • To develop practical links of international solidarity networks or links with organizations in the world
  • To enable individuals to participate in discussions and initiatives of global networks present in various events (remote participation).
  • To "produce forum" locally: extending the WSF process to local organizations, including people in times of warm and informal exchanges, consider alternatives in life.
  • To include young people in warm and informal interactive moments using internet , use collectively the internet in order to develop fluid and continuous local local and local global international relationships


How to start and prepare your participation in WSF extended?

At this early stage, desire to organize /participate is clearly more important than very finalized ideas

0. get in the facebook group wsf extended info

1.Write to aicha.efessem at gmail.com  and fill the 3Questions form  >> > about your participation 

This is the collective address of facilitation team for the Anglophone “welcome and info space for WSF extended”

In your message You describe shortly the activity that you are considering, here are some indications

WHERE will the activity take place ? WHEN? WHO will organize it ? WITH WHOM as distance partners?(if be the case) WHAT will be the topic ? HOW will it proceed? What will be its type? (local activity, distance encounter, distance participation )

2. Dakar extended team includes the info contained in your message in the list of WSF extended activities intentions, and someone  will be your « accompanying person »,  in contact with you until the after the dates of the forum when you make the memory of your extended activity

3. This person then makes contact with you, welcome  and first contact items  helps you if need be to create an account of instantaneous messaging , and creates a page for your activity . She keeps you informed and can give advice about organizing your activities based on accumulated experience and assists you when you register your activity in a WSF event site  , can be with you during your preparation and look for a partner

You also can share information on a public mailing list with other activity organizers

Looking forward to your contacting us and telling your intentions about WSF extended