• comcom meetingᅡᅠ paris tuneupinput-en

last modified May 20, 2011 by pierre

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This tune up input is made according to the format proposed here : http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/comcom-meeting-preparation-sheets

 one page about ComCom – a view by Pierre
·          What is comcom, per your definition?

It is a facilitating working body focused on communication practices in and about WSF process, It is open to individuals, related to organizations participating in WSF, with a “prime” to those member of IC. As an IC Commission, its proposal and plans are to be approved in IC plenary (main facilitating body in WSF process)

·          What are for you possibilities and duties linked to being an active participant in ComCom

They are linked to nature of WSF facilitation instrument : possibility to start initiative with IC recommendation or support, duty to have consensus decision in drafting the working plan and proposals guidelines to be approved in IC . Caring to avoid imposition to WSF participants organizations, and speaking “in the name of WSF.   Being active in ComCom  can be considered a “service to the WSF process” , and it brings rewarding experience and contacts.

·         How can ComCom  operate inside WSF process at large, for the progress of this process

Some views expect ComCom,  mixed with WSF Office in variable proportions, to either make-do for communication “about” and “in” the forum, some other views tend to see ComCom as coalition of specific interests vested in not enough inclusive projects, some views state that ComCom task is merely to enunciate policies to be approved by IC, ( what and whose policies are these? and who Is supposed to implement them and how ?), 

It can be argued that ComCom main roles, ( as IC commission), is about

1 - co-stimulating, combining and co-orienting  (alone or with other commissions) permanent “WSF facilitation initiatives” focused on promoting cooperation and communicational practices and processes” in and about WSF”. WSF process is not an organization, and at the same time, this process and the events that constitute most of it to date,  cannot be a useful tool for its participants  if the quality of implementation of its concepts and methodology is too low

“WSF Facilitation initiatives” are then more than temporary “working group” used to execute pre IC and post IC  commission tasks. If enough organizations are involved ( has to do with ownership of wsf process), this gives ground and roots to proposals and concepts implemented in/around the initiative. Self organized Assemblies have no formal link with commissions, while WSF facilitation initiatives have. -
eg  assembly on communication ) 
 Some guidelines enunciated by IC would be useful to give these “WSF Facilitation initiatives” some generic terms of reference, so their condition of creation and operation could be clarified

2-proposing and promoting formulation of “policies” made in / stemming from practice in those WSF facilitating initiatives. Some of these policies may be included in documents  approved in IC as part of comcom reference document

·          What are the notions used when answering the first three points

Communicational processes in and about WSF, WSF facilitation (see SC tor) , facilitating body, permanent WSF facilitating initiative,

 facilitation rules,  orientation/accompaniement through active presence, policies promoted by initiatives, policies approved by IC,  “rooted/grounded” proposal capacity , assemblies, WSF event calendar  , taking into account a comcom history

·          What are for you  the topics to  discuss in more depth in this meeting

Notion of WSF facilitation initiative seems a clarifying concept  - see inputs in the review list below

·         What are for you the review item points for which i propose to be exposing person

 See “@” sign  in the list below

 A List of inputs along comcom working plan paragraphs
Type of input, see central columns

  • VISION :  input related to vision - terminology - fundamentals - vision - vocabulary - identity
  • MODES  : input related  ot our modes of operation inside comcom
  • COOP:  suggestion about concrete cooperation issue with existing group in  ongoing dynamics
  • OUTREACH  : to IC organisations  an WSF participant organizations about comcom and facilitation
  • NOT?   why/ how  did not we act as we said in the document ? what can be done?
  • NEWPROP :  suggestion about opening new topics /facilitation initiative
  • CALENDAR :  input related to wsf calendar (time line  on, paper sheet )
  • DOC :  proposal of change/update in the comcom working plan

DOC related to practical  update of document Pierre / Caritas France

Inputs in the review  @ means proposal to be quick exposition person on the topic when it is reviewed during the meeting

Background and common agenda

type of input

A-1 dimensions of com  - (somehow adressed in first review  of expectations part 1) 


Scope : com in and about WSF, stimulate along a realistic  agenda WSF facilitation initiative, to care about communicational processes :  a  big program for comcom -  Share a document on these vision in IC

A-2 com practices in WSF context (somehow adressed in first review  of expectations part 1s) 


List the Communicational processes and practices that comcom identifies and want to promote through facilitation intiatives

A-3 challenge of common process  in 2011 -12

Mode & calendar

In wsf2010 event calendar  how was cooperation inside comcom related to action with events organizers and in events? What to expect in WSFevents 2011-12  calendar?

A-4 involvement of IC  ( to be adressed at the end of afternoon part 5)


Little progress in 2010, despite interest expressed in rabat
why? Proposing wsf facilitation initiative co-oriented with other commission may help

A-5 8 working groups plan 


comcom Working groups as facilitation initiatives, ? what would be the terms of reference of this new type of initiative? Little activity in  team and tools Transversal groups

A-6 validation and reference text  


Shall we circulate a updated working plan for approval ?

mexico- proposing facilitation initiatives as a new element ?

A-7 comcom cooperation with office  and extended staff  


No new elements on extended staff – no formal comcom / office cooperation regarding website in 2010 

A-8 organisations involved  


Discuss  criteria to assess organization involvement in comcom

B-1 intercommission issues  ( to be adressed in the end of meeting part5)

Outreach mode

What came out of Mexico intercom IC session on com?

Meeting on 26th evening – ambassadors or two two commissionmeetings - which formula do we advocate on morning 25th

B-2 seminar on ic communication issues 


This seminar is something  different from Dakar communication self organized assembly on communication 
which has no formal connection with IC/comcom. Update?

B-3 integrate tools – portal issues  


no communication has taken place  inside the webteam /wsfssc  list since may 2010

Internal communication

1-1  sfex initiative  


 Ongoing  planning and operating in WSF2011 calendar early cooperation with event organizers  - Sfex as a  WSF facilitation initiative – what does it imply? –

1-2  newsletter  

coop new rop

Suggestion to discuss methodological criteria for selection and display  – could the bulletin production  be the outcome of a WSF facilitation initiative ?

1-3 portal common redesign  


Need for update after 2010 episode

1-4 tool for wsf related groups  



There was no funding allotted for openfsm.net in 2010  – Site usage grew  and  new initiatives are hosted .  Contact with volunteer developing team is maintained

 Shared coverage

2-1 video exchange project  


could not it  be a  permanent wsf facilitation initiative ? possible cooperation with sfex on streaming issues.

2-2 radio exchange project

mode coop

could not it be a  permanent wsf facilitation initiative ?  ? possible Cooperation with sfex on extension through radio

 2-3 alternative media

mode coop

could not it be a permanent wsf facilitation initiative ? possilbe cooperation with sfex on remote interviews around extended activities

2-4 virtual media center  

mode coop

could not it be a permanent wsf facilitation initiative ? posible Cooperation with sfex on mainstream journalist participation in extended activities

 Teams and tools

3-1   stimulation of technical webteam – wsf software support community group  

not mode

no communication has taken place  inside the webteam /wsfssc  list since may 2010

3-2  stimulate exchange on design of websites  


Was not done on occasion of defining wsf2011  - wsfssc might be enlarged into a WSF facilitation initiative involving people from various events past and future discussing  functionalities  and "copypasting" websites

3-3  wsf participants data base  


Info? Status?

3-4 global campaign on wsf sustainability

Not, newprop

This would be a sound permanent wsf facilitation initiative involving various commissions – funds collected, however small, could be allotted to sustain facilitation initiatives

3-5 visual identity group  

“Globe and hands” logo was well received and could live longer than 2010. There is no group existing.

3-6 address cultural, artistic and dialogic dimensions of communication  


This has remained an open possibility in comcom
 – this requires several people involved and starting a WSF facilitation initiative   on efficient communication in number during wsf  events activities –
see the recommendation  made recently 

3-7 commission strategy seminar  

mode vision

Proposing to  exchange on “comcom facilitation strategy to support communicational processes in and about WSF”  – tune up document allowing on line inputs  (see SC tor) , and notion of , permanent WSF facilitation initiative,

3-8 office expanded  


No progress – "wsf facilitation initiatives" might selforganise better based on organization involvement in them

 IC and other commissions  


See B-1 above –

4-0  tomorrow commission meeting  


Address during 25th discussion points identified through review  of current plan as major one

4-5  IC meeting inputs from comcom    


Promoting “WSF facilitation initiatives” as  a  generic WSF facilitation tool, with some terms of reference to be discussed and approved by IC , a way to create permanent self organized spaces actively “accompanied” by commissions  and operating along an ongoing sequence of events – Showing  updated working plan for approval

4-1 exchanges with expansion    


Relation between  extension and expansion….transfer of experience and stimulation through and participation in WSF facilitation initiatives

4-2  exchanges with methodology    

Not? @


Ownership of wsf in participants organization communication (re mexico no result) -  Propose to  develop/drill  the guiding principle document  and co-accompany two WSF facilitation initiative : one about dissemination of  wsflexicon and one about  exchange of experience around wsf event websites  -

4-3 exchanges with ressources   

Not? newprop

any wsf process budget in perspective? Proportions inside this budget betwen LG /office /commisisons /  Propose to sustain WSF facilitation initiative with a discreetly starting WSF sustainability campaign ? -

4-4 exchanges with stategy  


Concept /tool of “WSF facilitation imitative” can be an input for strategy FOR wsf  - need terms of reference to differentiate from other self organized initiative  (eg “collective intellectual”)  also gain strategic continuity of wsf dialogic process thanks   to extension between events (see SC tor) , and notion of , permanent WSF facilitation initiative,