• comex15 activites horstunis

Wiki modificadas recientemente February 18, 2015 por facilitfsm



FSM  2015 WSF    17 fév  :     130  الأنشطة المحلية من تونس المنار LOCAL activities   (>>  registration fsm2015  )  

  2800   organisations   >>    1900   Activites ( >> registration fsm2015  )    &   265+   Participants in online preparation & Cafe   


AR ! الذهاب إلى تونس أو لا

تنظيم الأنشطة المحلية "من تونس" 

قبل أو أثناء 24 28 مارس - وجها لوجه الاجتماعات - عقد المؤتمرات عبر الفيديو مع تونس - غرفة مقهى المنتدى الاجتماعي العالمي المحلية - وهناك احتمالات مختلفة - فقط يعلن ما أين ومتى في الموقع المنتدى الاجتماعي العالمي! 

>> تاريخ على خط والديناميات المحلية إعداد  

ملء استمارة  

>> الانضمام إلى مقهى المنتدىالاجتماعي العالمي تونس على الخط

تونس على الخط


 EN Going or not to Tunis! organize local activities "out of tunis "  before or during 24 28 march - face to face meetings - videoconferencing with tunis  -  local wsf cafe room  there are various ways - just anounce activity describing what where and when  in the wsf website!

>>  Join the online and local  preparation dynamics 
fill the form 

>>   Join the WSF cafe Tunis on line 


 ES - Yendo a Tunez o no ! organizar actividades locales "fuera de tunez", antes o durante el 24 de 28 de marzo - reuniones cara a cara - videoconferencia con tunez - sala local de café FSM - hay varias  formas - sólo anunciar  actividad indicando qué, dónde y cuando en el sitio del FSM! 
>> Unirse a la dinamica de preparation de participation en linea y local 
llenar el formulario 

>>  Entrar en el Cafe FSM Tunez en linea 

comision extension  
 FR - Allant àTunis ou pas! organiser des activités locles "hors de tunis"   avant ou pendant 24 28 mars - réunions face à face - vidéoconférence avec tunis - salle de café FSM locale - il existe diverses  façons   - simplement annoncer l'activité en précisant quoi où et quand dans le site fsm !
>> Entrer dans la dynamique de préparation en ligne /locale 
remplir le formulaire  
>> Entrer dans les échanges du Cafe FSM Tunis en ligne 

commission  extension  

 ديناميات إعداد يحفزك في الاتصال المنظمات قرب أين أنت تعيش ومعرفة حول المدفوعة مسبقا الأنشطة معا المحلية

preparation dynamics motivates you to contact   organisations   near where you live, and see  about preparing  together  local activities

la dinamica de preparacion te motiva en contactar   organisationes   cerca de donde vives, y ver como  preparar juntos actividades locales

la dynamique de peparation vous motive a contacter   organisationes  pres de là où vous habitez, et voir comment preparer des activités locales

 >>  registration fsm2015  

Title Organization Activity location Activity Type Campaign Language
les compétences des organisations internationales et des organisations en Tunisie Association Créateurs de L'Avenir a Nabeul Out of Tunis Cultural French
Youth Forum on Economic Democracy in Bangladesh Participatory Research Action Network- PRAN Out of Tunis Conference Democracy/civil and political rightsEconomic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality English
think tanks & Empowering youth role for policy shaping in Islamic world. Rushd center Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality English
Champ du travail social ethngérontologique Centre d'Intervention et de Recherche en Ethno-Gérontologie à Montréal - CIREGM- Out of Tunis Cultural Migration/Migrants rightsPeoples Rights English
Promotion des activité génératrice de revenu et participation des jeunes à la bonne gouvernance Kouady Out of Tunis Conference Climate changes/Ecological justiceEconomic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality English
la luite contre les enfant en education scholaire en Afrique. Organisation de la luite contre le trafique des enfants Out of Tunis Conference Financial regulation/Debt/Taxation English
Made In Bled World Music - Concert Made In Bled Out of Tunis Cultural Democracy/civil and political rights French
L’université peut-elle mieux préparer à l’entrée sur le marché du travail ? Organisation National des Jeunes Diplômés Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Work /Union struggles French
PROGRAM COORDINATOR MUMONI AND KYUSO ORGANIZATION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND ACTIVE PARTICIPATION NGO Out of Tunis Workshop Climate changes/Ecological justiceLand justice/access to land/land grabbing English
ورش عمل تعريفية عن المساءلة الإجتماعية وحق المواطن فى المشاركة Kayan Masr foundation for Development, Training & Community Participation Support Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsPeoples Rights English
Video-conference Madrid-Tunis Foro Social Mundial Madrid Out of Tunis Conference Peoples Rights English
"REPENSER L’ENERGIE" 31 janvier-1er février 2015 BELLEY 01300 FRANCE AMIS DE L’HEBDOMADAIRE LA VIE Out of Tunis Workshop French
Video-conference Madrid-Tunis Foro Social Mundial Madrid Out of Tunis Conference Peoples Rights English
Projection d'un film documentaire intitulé "Women Step" Association INMA MAAMOURA Out of Tunis Documentary Democracy/civil and political rights English
Direitos da criança e adolescente: as políticas públicas de medidas socioeducativas no Brasil Instituto Brasileiro de Administração Municipal Out of Tunis Conference Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality Spanish
L'accès aux droits et à la santé des personnes agées migrantes PATIO DES AINES Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Migration/Migrants rights French
Conférence-Débat : La justice transitionnelle en Tunisie, enjeux politiques et juridiques à Liège, le 17 janvier 2015. Comité de Vigilance pour la Démocratie en Tunisie Out of Tunis Conference Democracy/civil and political rights French
ATELIER 3/ Le combat pour les égalités et contre les inégalités FALDI ( Forum des associations des luttes démocratiques de l'immigration) Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsEconomic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality French
ATELIER 2/ Mobilisation sur Gaza - ( semaine anticoloniale 14 28 février) FALDI ( Forum des associations des luttes démocratiques de l'immigration) Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsPeoples Rights French
ATELIER 1/ Jeunesse et engagement - (semaine anticoloniale 14 28 février- Paris) FALDI ( Forum des associations des luttes démocratiques de l'immigration) Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights French
تمكين الشباب سياسيا مبادرة ليلاس الشبابية للتطوع Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsPeoples Rights Arabic
فلاشات توعويه مؤسسه الوفاء Out of Tunis Documentary Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Peoples Rights Arabic
حملات مناصرة مبادرة ليلاس الشبابية للتطوع Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights Arabic
حقوق المرأة / المساواة مؤسسة عهد للحقوق والحريات Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsWomen’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
حقوق المرأة / المساواة مؤسسة عهد للحقوق والحريات Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsWomen’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
3 ateliers et 1 stand préparation du FSM à Paris (lors de la semaine anticoloniale 14 au 28 Février 2015) FALDI ( Forum des associations des luttes démocratiques de l'immigration) Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Migration/Migrants rights English
Caravanes pour le FSM Droits Ici Et Là-bas Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Migration/Migrants rights French
Immigration Comitato Immigrati Tunisini in Italia Out of Tunis Cultural Migration/Migrants rights French
Espace Jeunes Association Culturelle thafath Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights French
اقامة خيمة لعرض الانشطة وتنفيذ جلسات نقاش حول وضع المرأة في اليمن والحقوق الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية / النضال ضد الفقر و اللامساواة Abs Development Organization Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Women’s rights/Gender equality English
situation d'immigrants au maroc après la compagne de régularisation RIHAB TANMIA Out of Tunis Conference Migration/Migrants rights French
محاضرة حول حقوق الانسان الاساسية مجلس الشباب التونسي Out of Tunis Conference Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Women’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
Accompagnement des femmes rurales dans l'appropriation des nouvelles techniques culturales alternatives d'adaptation locale aux changements climatiques ASSOCIATION VIVE LA TERRE Out of Tunis Cultural Climate changes/Ecological justiceWomen’s rights/Gender equality French
ندوة حول تربية الطفل و سلوكه داخل الأسرة جمعية حواء على درب البناء Out of Tunis Conference Women’s rights/Gender equalityWork /Union struggles Arabic
ندوة حول المرأة الريفية: بين تداعيات الماضي و صعوبات الحاضر و آفاق المستقبل جمعية أمل المرأة Out of Tunis Conference Women’s rights/Gender equalityWork /Union struggles English
Lutte contre la corruption en Mauritanie جمعية كن شفافا Out of Tunis Conference Control / penalty / regulation of the activity of multinational,Financial regulation/Debt/Taxation Arabic
معرض للصناعات التقليدية بقفصة جمعية الإعمار و التنمية بقفصة Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Women’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
إحياء المورث الغذائي الرّيفي و تنظيم ورشة ثقافية اقتصادية في الغرض تثمّن دور المرأة الرّيفيّة في المحافظة على الموروث الثقافي الاّمادّي و تبحث في سبل دعمها جمعية قصر عزيزة للتمية الاقتصاديّة التضامنيّة و الثقافيّة Out of Tunis Workshop Women’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
bénévolat, Volontariat et salariés quelles différences? organisation mondiale du volontairat Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Peoples Rights French
bénévolat, Volontariat et salariés quelles différences? organisation mondiale du volontairat Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Peoples Rights English
LA PARTICIPATION DES JEUNES DANS LA POLITIQUE, ENJEUX ET DEFIS Reseau des Jeunes Citoyens Sénégalais Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsPeoples Rights French
الحوكمة الرشيدة سنابل المحبة للتعليم و التنمية Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsEconomic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality Arabic
algeria asso Association algérienne pour les jeunes intellectuels Out of Tunis Cultural Peoples Rights English
Projection documentaire "Maux par mots" sur les agressions verbales dans la rue en Algérie Générations Oranaises Go! Out of Tunis Documentary Women’s rights/Gender equality French
Alternatives à la dégradation des écosystèmes de mangrove pour le bien être des femmes de l'Afrique centrale Organisation pour l'Environnement et le Développement Durable -OPED Out of Tunis Workshop Climate changes/Ecological justice English
Campagne Action/2015 Togo Jeunes Verts Togo Out of Tunis Workshop Climate changes/Ecological justice English
الظاهرة العنف الجنسي في موريتانيا الجمعية الموريتانية لصحة الأم والطفل Out of Tunis Conference Women’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
سكن اقتصاي عمارة الفقراء Out of Tunis Cultural Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Land justice/access to land/land grabbing Arabic
تشريك الشباب في الحوكمة المحلية association des jeunes leaders Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights Arabic
ملتقى توظيفي عربي موقع شغلانتي | للوظائف الخالية Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Work /Union struggles Arabic
أحتفالية باليوم العالمى لذوى الأعاقة بدار الأوبرا المصرية تحت شعار شارك و تواصل Egyptian Abilities Out of Tunis Documentary Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Work /Union struggles English
نحن هنا حركة شباب من سوريا Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights English
Lobbying to Amend Article 308 / Jordanian Penal Code Daem For Media Out of Tunis Cultural Women’s rights/Gender equality English
Enfants Réfugiés ... Entre droits et réalité Association Caritative pour les Enfants Défavorisés (ACED - Annaba) Out of Tunis Documentary Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Migration/Migrants rights French
participation des jeunes à la lutte contre la corruption Réseau Ivoirien des Jeunes Leaders pour l'Intégrité Out of Tunis Workshop Control / penalty / regulation of the activity of multinational French
empowerement economique des femmes rurales en algerie association ELGHAITH Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Women’s rights/Gender equality French
التكفل بالنساء و الاطفال التنسيقية المستقلة للامساعدين الاجتماعيين Out of Tunis Workshop Women’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
Observation de la société civile locale des élections ATIDE BUREAU ZAGHOUAN Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights French
TUNIS PSEUDO-FICTION P A L C Out of Tunis Cultural Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality French
WSF Cafe FSM Tunis commission extension fsm2015 Out of Tunis Workshop Frenc