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Wiki modificadas recientemente November 5, 2013 por facilitfsm


Welcome to the  working  and info space for SASF Bangladesh OC extension working group

SASF bangladesh - see  concept note  - will be an "extended" social forum event

  • 0 Bangladesh in wsf space  in openfsm.net

  • 1 SASF final extended program 19 activities  with videos and photos

  • 2 Organizing comittee invitation to participate in SASF "from where you live and act for another possible world"

  • 3 How to participate and prepare your extended participation  during build up of SASF : 5 participation cases, and what to do 

  • 4 see day by day  list of 60 activities in dhaka SASF that intended to enlarge on internet to allow tele participation  








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